Basierend auf dem aktuellen internationalen Bericht über die besten und schlechtesten Städte im Jahr 2024 für Expats ist es schockierend zu wissen, dass die Top-Großstädte in Deutschland am Ende der Liste stehen.
Da ich selbst Expat bin, habe ich in verschiedenen Städten in Deutschland und derzeit seit einigen Jahren in München gelebt und liebe die Stadt bereits. Auch wenn es Vor- und Nachteile gibt, aber ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es so sein würde.
Mir fallen da Mietpreise, Bürokratie, hohe Steuern, nicht zeitgemäße Digitalisierung, Zukunftsängste ein, manche Menschen konnten mit der deutschen Kultur keinen Einklang finden.
Ich frage mich, wo die Unterschiede bei Einheimischen aus Top-Städten liegen, die bereits nach Deutschland gezogen sind. Hat irgendein Auswanderer in Deutschland kürzlich darüber nachgedacht, auszuziehen?
Von Relative_fosdoaa
Wonder how long it’ll take Valencia and Alicante to be absolutely sick of digital nomads gentrifying their cities and pushing locals out of their homes.
I understand Munich, I do not understand Cologne.
The list is based on which criteria and made by whom?
EDIT: „We’ve asked over 12,500 expats about their life abroad. From the quality of life to personal finances, find out which cities offer you the best experience.“……..
I would like to know on what factors was this based on?
When you look at public transport for example, most of the Middle Eastern cities will easily drop below any West European City. As someone mentioned, this is more of a Digital Nomad version and realistic ratings will be completely different.
Rent wise Dubai isn’t behind Munich or Berlin. A great apartment with all amenities comes down to the same price at the moment. Of course you have areas in Dubai where you could find dirt cheap rooms or bed space.
Expats? No country really wants EXPATS.
the tail of the list.
Or you could say top 50 worldwide. Germany alone has 600 cities.
> recent report for best and worst cities in 2024
based on what criteria?
Its all just content marketing bullshit until they publicly list how they actually compare cities.
not this again…
the only thing this tells you is that rich, retired people are happy in sunny countries, wow
Very good. I don’t want to have people here that consider themselves “expats”.
I don’t know. In 20% of those cities i would fear for my life
There’s no city called Dusseldorf
Is it because of the weather and that you need to speak German with almost anyone to get anywhere in Germany, this seems to surprise so many people
Yeah sure, Muscat is on the top of the list. There’s nothing in Muscat wth is it even doing there?