Frankreich warnt Donald Trump davor, die „souveränen Grenzen“ der EU zu gefährden


  1. apexHeiliger on

    Have the leaders of each country duel to the death for pink slips and leave the rest of us out of your shit.

  2. Aware-Chipmunk4344 on

    Perhaps the only way to deal with Trump is Deny, Defend, Depose:

    Deny his legal right to the presidency as he being an adjudicated insurrectionist.

    Defend against all his acts of insanity.

    Depose him through legal proceedings when needs be.

  3. Mjolnir2000 on

    France and the United Kingdom need to make clear that they *will* use nuclear weapons against the US in defense of NATO.

  4. If we could all just ignore when Trump says stuff, that would be great. Just wait until he actually does something.

  5. Lombardbiskitz on

    What? A democratic country cannot let part of its land to decide its independence? Btw France warning too cringe, nobody gives a shit 😅

  6. Few-Succotash2744 on

    I am curious how long till Elon Musk will be declared persona non grata by some EU countries

    Any guess?

  7. vossmanspal on

    All of this, and meanwhile trump continues to colour in his book of colour by numbers.

  8. Telling someone with reasonable and rational requests usually works 95% of the time but I’m afraid Trump’s delusions of never being told “no” and what not to do, will only embolden his false sense of entitlement to do the opposite.

  9. AcguyDance on

    My scenario is that US civil war will break out as soon as Trump officially going to invade.

  10. Realistic_Lead8421 on

    Shame that Macron has to go. It is time for the EU to build its own military so we can defend ourselves not only against Russia but also our so called allies the US. To this end we need to withdraw from all nuclear nonproliferation treated and build a strategic nuclear Arsenal that can turn the world to ash.

  11. MaroonMedication on

    It would be hilarious if Trump got MAGAs to sign up in volunteer brigades and we slaughtered the shit out of the fat fascist fucks when they got shipped over the borders / waters in an invasion.

  12. TheDreamXV on

    One crazy grandpa decided to attack Ukraine, now another crazy trying to do the same. What is going on.. Can’t we have peace and safe the planet instead. No, let’s do a full-on war. For something we don’t even own (our planet)

  13. RexLynxPRT on

    That time when i found out that France has a “warning shot” nuclear doctrine (°_° )

  14. OutrageousAd4420 on

    Just treat that orange ape like the bitch he is. Put the nobody Musk on the persona non grata list and make sure Trump hears that no plane, including air force 1, gets to use EU sky with that X bitch aboard. These bastards don’t understand diplomatic talk, but they’ll listen to the same language they think is just reserved to them.

  15. xiphoidthorax on

    You realise this guy has a life clock running out. Just pat him on the head, ignore the unfiltered old people rants and just give him some crayons.
    So what you voted for him and everyone acted surprised that he starts spouting crazy talk.
    The real leaders of the United States are going to let him get his way.

  16. CuckBuster33 on

    Trump has a strong position here because the EU needs US assistance to keep the russian trash at bay…

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