Gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen sollten erlaubt sein, Europakarte

    Von Toruviel_


    1. hell_fire_eater on

      Idk why but the fact that opposition is stronger in Russia and Belarus than in Turkyie is crazy to me

    2. Nice-Substance-gogo on

      Find it strange so many not liberal or progressive people want to move to Western Europe when its values don’t match their own. Is it just the money?

    3. An_Aroused_Koala_AU on

      Well… Just lost a lot of sympathy I previously held for those red nations.

    4. shogun_oldtown on

      I thought Switzerland would’ve had a higher acceptance rate

    5. TTG4LIFE77 on

      Important to note that these numbers have generally been increasing in favor over the years, and at a pretty rapid rate in many of the red countries. Also I’m not entirely sure where some of these numbers come from. Some I can tell are from the 2023 Eurobarometer, but others are not included in that so they must’ve come from a separate source. Either way huge win for equality in Europe.

    6. blackBinguino on

      Just imagine being such a conservative or religious dumb**** that you deny other humans who love each other the right to declare this legally while claiming you need to have this right because of some trait your partner has…

    7. I keep seeing maps like this all over the social media, and here is my issue with them: who conducted the study? How many respondents took part in the poll? Where can I read about methodologies used in the study?

    8. treacherous64 on

      Is the UK like America in the sense that big cities are more progressive than the country as a whole on social issues?

    9. What’s the source for the Slovenia number? Last referendum the same sex marriage proposal was shot down by 64% of the population, so a shift of like 30% in 5 years is rather surprising

      Edit: It was 2016 not 19, my bad. Man, time flies

    10. From_The_Sun on

      As Ukrainian, I know very few people in my country who is against LGBT, including people who over 50 years old and lived in USSR. But when I see some statistic, there’s always 40-60% against LGBT

    11. How are the stats for the small ones: Vatican, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, Andorra

    12. 240plutonium on

      Why are no comments talking about how shitty this map is? Why can’t it just be all % Agree or all % Disagree?

    13. I looked up comparable numbers for North America. In all three large North American countries majorities support it – 65% in Canada, 69% in the US and 55% in Mexico. I was surprised the US was higher than Canada.

    14. Antibody612 on

      I don’t think expression love is the biggest problem in the world right now, no matter the form it is done.

    15. Greece is 51% against with fairly religious population. Yet i think they allowed same-sex marriage last year being the first orthodox country to do so. Interesting

    16. happy_otter on

      Some of these flags are so small (Ireland??) that they make it seem like a statement by the mapmaker.

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