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Nothing suspect about that. No sir.
Hopefully the new government will do something to address this blatant fraud.
Should be immediately disqualified if you came over as a student
It should be easy enough to autoreject anyone applying inland on a work or study visa who doesn’t come from a country all of a sudden at war.
Need to kick these people out of the country. We should pride ourselves on our compassion and capacity for accepting real refugees but the flip side of that coin needs to be an unwillingness to be abused by bad actors.
Should be a policy we take zero international students unless you will leave immediately after school or if you want to stay you are in a program for something we need like nursing, paramedic, doctors etc and a condition of your schooling is you have to work in the area you studied for 5 years. This bull shit of allowing people to come in and study useless courses like college business admin, police foundations, general arts etc is ridiculous
If you’re able to afford to be here as a student you’re not a refugee. Screw off with that nonsense.
If Russians did this in Ukraine, our politicians would be screaming at how evil those Russians are.
But when Indians do this to Canada, it is met with an impotent shrug and malaise from Ottawa.
And for the record, I am of Indian origin. Very few of us endorse this current wave of “newcomers” and “students”.
Apply after leaving Canada. Period.
This is the continued legacy of Trudeau and the Liberals. We will be dealing (paying) for this for years if not generations.
Don’t forget that Singh and the NDP are just as guilty for keeping Trudea in power all these years.
At least correct the title – ”
Thousands of foreign scammers sought refugee status after study permits cut: Report”
It’s really simple if you came here as a student and your countries of origin have not entered into a state of war , you claim is denied you get deported and you and all family members can’t apply for status for so many years.
All scammers, all of them, including the indian students in my college which I have personally witnessed trying to steal other students’ backapcks and laptops in class…
If you came here on a visa, and/or have been going back and forth from your home country, you should be immediately denied a refugee claim. Refugee claims are made at the border or applied from an actual country where you face real threat to your life. These scammers are all scum. Sucks Trudeau prorogued parliament for Liberal high school drama antics instead of letting Canadians vote in an election and get a real government with a backbone to do something about this sub standard nonsense.
It doesn’t make sense to allow people already living here for years, to apply for refugee status. Stupid immigration rules!!
No shit
Surprise surprise
Loved the international student I spoke with today. “So when I get PR, can I keep my international student scholarship?” ☠️
This is Trudeau’s legacy.
Hopefully whoever got those applications was laughing as he stamped “DENIED” on to them.
Here’s a plane ticket now GTFO