1. plz-let-me-in on

    > At the request of GOP Judge Jefferson Griffin, Republicans on the state Supreme Court have prohibited the state Board of Elections from certifying Democratic Justice Allison Riggs’ election.

    > Riggs, the incumbent, leads Griffin by 734 votes in the election for a seat on the state’s highest court.

    > Griffin, an Appeals Court judge, wants to discount more than 60,000 votes on the belief that throwing them out will allow him to win.

    What a joke. The Republican who lost the election wants to throw out more than 60k votes. Because when you can’t win an election fairly, the GOP turns to ignoring the will of the voters. The lack of respect Republicans have for our democracy is absolutely disgusting.

  2. The_Bosdude on

    Republicans are disgustingly incorrigible and belong on the rubbish heap of human history.

  3. tjwilliamsjr on

    Does anyone have a good count on how many times Republicans or Democrats have used the judiciary to consolidate a win for a state or federal election? I’m thinking Bush v. Gore as a high profile one, but curious if anyone has been keeping a count.

  4. Stealthy_Snow_Elf on

    Expect only more of this as fascism continues to gain victories.

    stop electing “moderates”/“centrists”/liberals if you actually want to fight this. Otherwise, stop complaining bc this is the result of what you want away

  5. graveybrains on

    >The state Board had the case transferred to federal court, but on Monday, U.S. District Judge Richard Myers II sent it back to state court.

    Quick! Guess who appointed that judge!

  6. There’s been no consequences to any corporate and political crimes for way too long.

  7. lactose_cow on

    why the fuck did we even certify trump’s win? what do we gain from that?

  8. Zealousideal-Olive55 on

    Here is where the dnc is just terrible. They don’t fight back or continuously harp on these antics more. Repeat it out loud. Put up billboards and ads. Show the gop dirt like they do for anyone else.

  9. NeverLookBothWays on

    >Griffin, an Appeals Court judge, wants to discount more than 60,000 votes on the belief that throwing them out will allow him to win.

    Just 60,000? You can take a little time and verify 60,000 people. It’s not an insurmountable amount of people.

  10. Congressional Dems taking the high road on a federal level was the final nail in this country’s coffin.

  11. Welcome to fascism.

    Still appalled that Harris just bowed her head and signed fascism into power. She’ll be in the history books for that…

  12. Okay, but seriously what the fuck is this? Why aren’t people in the hundreds protesting this? 

  13. I am no longer capable being shocked, surprised, or even outraged 

    Ever since November, my reaction to all of these headlines is just: “yup”

  14. sublimeshrub on

    We don’t live in anything even resembling a real democracy. It’s become clear we’re nothing but a third world banana Republic like Venezuela with richer oligarchs, and better propaganda.

  15. kswissreject on

    North Carolina is fucking insane. The gerrymandering, the abuse of legislative power by removing governor powers anytime a Democrat wins, the abuse of judicial power, it’s absolutely crazy. Sad that my folks moved there last year. I don’t want to visit at all.

  16. And when we don’t hold the judiciary to be more strongly nonpartizan, this is what we get.

  17. SublimeApathy on

    Nice. So glad the dems “went high” and certified the fucking federal election to “show those MAGA’s what a peaceful transfer of power looks like”. Super stoked they’re patting themselves on the back for taking conservative spunk loads to the face with smiles.

  18. Yet another topic you’ll never hear about on the conservative sub

  19. Plastic-War-5738 on

    Wow, the only way for republicans to win is to cheat! Who Knew?!!!

  20. TaraJaneDisco on

    Starting early I see….brought to you by the party of “election integrity.”

    Welp, we had a good run, Democracy. I’ll miss ya.

  21. BigNorseWolf on

    This is what we mean when we say they’re not going to have elections anymore. Its not that you can’t go to the booth and relive your favorite SAT trauma with scantron bubbles, its that your politicians will select your vote rather than allow your vote to select your politicians.

  22. ra3ra31010 on

    Conservatives hate democracy. They make it more evident year after year now.

    They want aggressive minority rule

    Protect your non-conservative neighbors… the red hats are coming

  23. Chimetalhead92 on

    And watch the dems certify every single republican.

    This isn’t a game, people’s lives are at stake, it’s long past time for dems to fight dirty.

  24. BrightMarvel10 on

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again… fuck the Republican party and all who support their shit.

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