Einen Tag nachdem der norwegische Premierminister internationale Schlagzeilen machte, weil er Elon Musks politische Einmischung als „besorgniserregend“ bezeichnete, retweetet Musk gefälschte Nachrichten über ihn


    Von angryloser89


    1. VicenteOlisipo on

      Guys I’m beginning to think maybe letting some individuals amass as much wealth and power as entire states might be a bad idea.

    2. I suspect Elon have too much free time. And too much money. And way too much ego.

    3. badgersruse on

      Why is anyone looking at twitter any more? Ok there are other things than musk, but given that you can’t unfollow him and his babbling, surely everyone should just go elsewhere?

    4. schmeckfest on

      Delete X. If you haven’t already, you’re part of the problem.

      Delete Facebook too, while you’re at it, because Zuckerberg is no better, and is going [the same way](https://www.politico.eu/article/mark-zuckerberg-full-elon-musk-dump-facebook-fact-checker/) as X. He’s going to dump fact-checkers, in order to ‘restore’ free speech. We all know what that means.

      All these tech bros don’t give a damn’ about free speech, the rule of law, or democracy. They’re all the same.

      We really need a European social platform.

    5. Hopeful_Hat_3532 on

      The level of idiocy on the other side of that ocean ffs.

      Sometimes, I wish we could just do a Thanos’ snap and get rid of all those morons at once. Or just the whole of Humanity, seeing how this is going anyway.

    6. Ever heard warnings about monkey with a grenade? Musk with such influence as he’s got now is basically this but worse.

    7. Golden_Joe_ on

      Elon behaves like a spoiled kid from a rich family. The only hope that at some point another spoiled kid Donald will get enough of Elon and will kick him out of his circle.

    8. Dragomir_Despic on

      Here’s an idea: rid the world of millionaires and billionaires. No one is allowed to earn any more than six figures. Anything over that gets invested back into government funds for them to actually create something that people use every day like roads and bridges instead of showing off with flashy expeditions and football stadiums. And it should all be built to the highest standards so it doesn’t fall apart after 5 months and kill 15 people. Just a suggestion.

    9. TemetNosce_AutMori on

      Europe can get serious and take away this man’s money to shut him up, or they can do what the US liberals did and act like a bunch of pussies while he gets everything he wants.

      Choose wisely.

    10. Spin_Quarkette on

      By now, everyone should know Elon has the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old. To that end, ignore his trolling and just take action. If he’s breaking laws, hold him accountable, if he’s over stepping, take away his platform, but don’t feed his ego by talking about him to the press. Like a toddler, he’ll just purposely pee in his pants and throw his food against the wall.

    11. DocHolidayPhD on

      Enron Musk acting like he’s King of the World… I wish everyone else would try to put him in his place. It would seriously result in some equity that benefits the rest of the entire world. World leaders cowering in fear of a man whose brain is half pickled.

    12. NotOnlyFanns on

      Europeans be like oh TikTok is bad and spreading misinformation and we should ban them and Twitter is good because they trying to topple European government 🤣 just showing how weak European countries and afraid of USA

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