Trumps Anwälte haben den Entwurf von Jack Smiths Abschlussbericht des Sonderermittlers geprüft und wollen, dass dieser nicht veröffentlicht wird


  1. Thatrebornincognito on

    There must be a mistake. These are the advocates for free speech and against censorship. Surely they would oppose censoring the document. They would welcome the opportunity to refute it. Surely.

  2. Bigweld_Ind on

    If the Biden administration does not release it before Trump’s inauguration, I’m done pretending Democrats are trying to save us.

  3. dearth_karmic on

    Why bother? Everyone knows what he’s done. Everyone knows he guilty of all of these cases. We’ve seen all of the evidence. He’s admitted to almost all of it. What are we fighting for? We all knew what we were voting for. More people wanted the criminal. I’m so tired of people thinking we’re going to expose him for who he is. Everyone knows who he is. They wanted more of it.

  4. Yeah…defense attorneys don’t get to determine what documents get published.  Smith was hired as a special prosecutor so he could work independently without political pressure.

  5. Spicy-Cheesecake7340 on

    Send it “free speech warrior” Elon, surely he’ll post it X. Right? /s

  6. name_escape on

    First the ethics report, now this. If you’re going to finagle your way into leading the country, the country deserves to know. If you don’t want to be scrutinized for being an absolute twat, don’t take the fucking job, simple as.

  7. Potential-Bee3866 on

    This should’ve been released before the election. Smith is as useless as Mueller was.. 😔

  8. If he’s trying to block it then it’s important to release it. It’s a historical record that he can’t erase. If it isn’t publicly released then the details of his crimes and the evidence may fade over time.

  9. invalidpassword on

    Go ahead and let it be released, Trump. Your worshippers will still kiss the ground you walk on and your haters…well…I don’t think they can hate you any more than they already do.

  10. NickSprinkles on

    What can it possibly contain that hasn’t already been reported out?

  11. smokeybearman65 on

    Everyone already knows that Trump is a huge piece of sewage, and releasing the report probably isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about that cockwomble (thanks Scotland), but the report should be released so that it can be part of the public record and can be written into history. If it is not released before Trump takes office, it will disappear forever, and no one will ever know what it contained.

  12. Ambitious_Metal_8205 on

    Wait. Do they want to release the Kraken or not? Release all the Epstein files while you’re at it.

  13. The catastrophic framing of the basic function of a prosecutor is hilarious:

    Lawyers said the draft “revealed a one-sided narrative arguing that the Defendants committed the crimes charged in this case”

    That’s what’s implied when a prosecutor charges someone. That prosecutor is arguing that the accused committed crimes.

  14. Grimlockkickbutt on

    Why do they care. There will be no consequences. The people with the power to do something about it failed to care or were blocked from action by those who failed to care. Report will read “trump did a bunch of crime”. Those of us with something between our ears already knew that. And those that don’t would ignore Jesus descending from heaven to tell them their favorate Cheeto-in-a-diaper is a criminal.

    Suppose it’s just the facist way. They are as much imprisoned as they attempt imprison others. Slaves to facism. Always have to be fighting something. There must always be an enemy. They will die unfulfilled because it will never be enough.

  15. _SCHULTZY_ on

    Garland should be reading it out loud in public on camera livestreamed 

    At least then he could retire having done something useful 

  16. Count_Bacon on

    It needs to be released hopefully a brave patriot will leak it if need be

  17. marcopolo0042 on

    they’ll just have a Bill Burr type give a bullshit summary and call it a day

  18. badmoviecritic on

    If the DOJ doesn’t release the report (or it does and it is heavily redacted), isn’t there a word for that? A coverup? Are Garland and his men cowards or complicit?

    We definitely do not know the full story of these crimes. Just today even, Biden said we must remember what happened on 01/06, but the silence of the DOJ will only lead us to forget what it means and more importantly who was involved. Is it so impossible to say in plain language what was clear to everyone watching on TV that day, that this was an attempted coup, an insurrection? If we can’t have justice, give us the truth.

    Yet it seems at this point if there’s any doubt the report will be released (or that Trump will even be punished in the NY case), it probably means it won’t happen. If that’s the case, we will be watching history scrubbed from our very eyes, and that is historic in and of itself.

  19. midnight_at_dennys on

    What’s wrong, Donald? You’ve got nothing to hide if you’re innocent.

  20. How about we release it and Trump’s attorneys can highlight which parts aren’t true?

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