Nein, John Roberts, Sie sind kein Bürgerrechtsheld


  1. Newscast_Now on

    John Roberts, Jr., cast the deciding vote in so many cases including:

    * taking away the ability of unions to collect basic operating fees from their populations, overturning precedent

    * The 1965 Voting Rights Act no longer permits review of voter suppression laws until after they affect elections

    * Banks have the right to hide their transaction fees from credit card users

    * The 1993 National Voter Registration Act which was supposed to reduce voter purging actually enhances purging to the tune of some 19,000,000 million voters per two-year term

    * women who find out that they’ve been paid too little for sex discrimination cannot sue (overturned by the Democratic Congress)

    * AT&T may commit *unconscionable* fraud but the state cannot allow people to sue or even to go to arbitration collectively

    * Workers may not sue or go to arbitration against their employer together even when the employer breaks federal law

    * extreme partisan gerrymandering is fine

    * money=speech

    * I can go on and on….

  2. TechnologyRemote7331 on

    As far as I’m concerned, he’s barely even a Christian. But that won’t stop him from preening and moralizing like he’s an American Moses or whatever.

  3. He’s a Furzkanone. I just learned that’s a German word for a person who farts a lot, a fart cannon.

  4. Ambitious_Metal_8205 on

    The man is so arrogant. He is presiding over the most corrupt and politicized court in history.

  5. Sideshift1427 on

    I guess that they don’t want to be remembered as corrupt hypocrites which they will be by a majority of the people so Roberts wants to write his own legacy. No previous Supreme Court Justices had this problem.

  6. Lt_Cochese on

    In a just world, Roberts wouldn’t even be allowed to watch people’s court, let alone be a SC justice.

  7. Well I guess I have my answer regarding what joke was next in the John Roberts standup comedy routine

  8. voyagerdoge on

    Isn’t that the guy heading a group of money grabbers in a white marble palace behind the library?

  9. BeowulfsGhost on

    He’s done more to take away civil rights than anyone else I can think of in
    American politics.

  10. This man should be ashamed but instead he complains that people realize his and this court’s lack of integrity.

  11. Negative_Gravitas on

    John Roberts is the first Chief Justice to look at Roger Taney and say, “Hold my beer.” (But not to Kavanaugh.)

  12. So, he’s not just partisan. He’s delusional too. Just what one wants in the highest judge in the land.


    So much /s

  13. PatrioticHotDog on

    Given Biden’s many missteps lately — staying in the race too long and dooming us all, granting clemency to corrupt felons, signing a god damn national bird bill when democracy is on the brink of collapse, and doling out Medals of Freedom to privileged assholes — I was worried for a sec he actually gave one of the medals to John Roberts as some pathetic act of bipartisanship.

  14. Roberts is worse than Trump, because he knows better but he keeps on fucking

  15. Rex-A-Vision on

    That fuck isn’t ANY kind of hero. He will go down as the worst, most biased scumbag chief justice in the history of the court!

  16. Ok-disaster2022 on

    If you mean empowering white people to ignore civil rights, you’d be correct

  17. Well he’s civil and a hero to the right. Wait that’s not what he meant?

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