Internetnutzer als Prozentsatz der Bevölkerung eines Landes (2023)

Von slanger686


  1. MatheusMaica on

    Why are some of the colors not consistent with the table of values in the wikipedia article, am I tripping

  2. Zealousideal-Pick799 on

    The two that immediately stood out to me as nonsense are Georgia and Moldova. The map is just wrong, doesn’t agree with the table.

  3. BarristanTheB0ld on

    Data for Greenland AND New Zealand is included?! I must be dreaming

  4. Major-Cow9665 on

    Somali here, cannot be that low, nearly everyone uses internet in Mogadishu where I live, pretty sure majority of every city/town are youth and they use the internet.

    At least 50% use the internet.

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