Trump, der den Aufstand anzettelte, wirft Biden vor, den Übergang „so schwierig wie möglich“ zu gestalten


  1. **From reporter Jennifer Bendery:**

    President-elect Donald Trump on Monday accused President Joe Biden of making his transition into the White House “as difficult as possible” — four years after Trump tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power by inciting a mob of his supporters to smash their way into the U.S. Capitol and threaten lawmakers with violence to stop them from certifying Biden’s win.

    “Biden is doing everything possible to make the TRANSITION as difficult as as possible, from Lawfare such as has never been seen before, to costly and ridiculous Executive Orders on the Green New Scam and other money wasting Hoaxes,” Trump posted on social media. “Fear not, these ‘Orders’ will all be terminated shortly, and we will become a Nation of Common Sense and Strength. MAGA!!!”

    Link to the full article: [](

  2. 5th_degree_burns on

    Donald Trump also admitted his “one special trick” is to whine so much and be as obnoxious as possible until he gets his way. Alpha AF bro.

  3. So, stop reporting on what Trump says and report on what he does. There are dozens of articles about Trump and his team failing to engage and meet transition team milestones after he won the election. This Huffpo article is just fucking stupid resharing of Trump’s tweets instead of actually reporting what is going on.

    This article is from just a couple weeks ago:

    [Trump’s tardy transition causes complications](

    >President-elect Donald Trump’s transition got a late start.

    >Trump has declined for months to involve federal agencies and civil servants in preparations for his White House return. His team hasn’t tapped executive branch expertise for things like security clearances and cybersecurity and has waited until recent weeks to sign agreements with the White House and Justice Department to access agencies’ headquarters and sensitive information.

    >The result is a privately funded transition team that has been able to quickly make cabinet picks and avoid public scrutiny — but hasn’t met with the career professionals who will be tasked with helping Trump deliver his campaign promises.

  4. KazeNilrem on

    He has himself and his team to blame. All this man-child can do is whine.

  5. Says the guy who refused to sign the ethics agreement paperwork that is required to start the transition.

  6. lumberjackname on

    Just because you’re too stupid to understand most of the transition processes doesn’t mean Biden is making it difficult.

  7. Brief_Night_9239 on

    Every time Trump speaks, you know he is gonna lie..and he got elected as President TWICE..

  8. Dorkseid1687 on

    I’m so sick of this lying traitor fascist piece of shit.
    And fuck the people who voted for him too

  9. SkillFullyNotTrue on

    You have court on the tenth worry about that first. What a child.

  10. IsHeSkiing on

    Jesus Christ, YOU WON. Just take something in grace for once in your fucking life you miserable conglomeration of your forefathers mistakes…

    I can’t do it, yall. I can’t sit here and listen to this man bitch and moan and whine about EVERYTHING for another round of this circus BUT OH WAIT this time he is actively going to destroy the very institutions this country was built on all to make himself and his billionaire sycophants as much money as humanly possible…


  11. selkiesidhe on

    Whiny little bitch. This is who MAGAt morons and lazy assholes voted for: a whiny ass little bitch. Congratulations

  12. DramaticWesley on

    I’m starting to think Trump just gained the ability to see just a decade ago, because everything is “like nothing anyone has ever seen before.”

  13. He’s just warming up. When any of his policies don’t go as planned it’s obvious that Biden policies have sabotaged them. He will inherit a strong economy, low crime rate, immigration numbers below what they were during his last term. Of course he will take credit for righting the ship.

  14. Trump will go down as the worst president we have ever had… history will not favor him and his narcissism and acting like a spoiled little bitch.
    When he destroys our economy, the working class will feel the pain, and only then, will some of them start to come back to reality…

  15. Apokolypse09 on

    Says the orange fuck who dipped out and called his cult to attack the capital when he lost last time.

    How anyone can rally behind this whiny bitch is beyond me. Gotta be the whiniest fuck on the planet.

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