Nordkorea verbietet Hot Dogs im Kampf gegen „verräterische“ amerikanische Lebensmittel


  1. Insciuspetra on

    Are we certain the North Korean military wasn’t attempting something they saw on Russian porn sites?

  2. IfonlyIwastheOne83 on

    Someone stuff 3 B52s and ‘carpet bomb’ hotdogs all over the north 🤣

    Make sure they’re good ones from Costco

  3. It’s true! I personally sneak hot dogs into North Korea to corrupt them. But with this new policy, I’m thinking cupcakes.

  4. ButtholeQuiver on

    Dude probably got shitfaced and ate like 16 hot dogs last night, woke up and was like “I never want to see a hot dog again”

  5. 2thSprkler on

    Tbh, I don’t think not being able to have a hotdog is the biggest worry/concern for the North Korean citizens. How is this news fr

  6. my20cworth on

    Well fat boy dictator could do with eating less of anything, so hotdogs are a start, I suppose.

  7. FarDistance3468 on

    Well it’s official, I don’t ever want to go to North Korea, ever.

  8. Yourdataisunclean on

    They should rename them to something more patriotic and communist. Like The Peoples Weiners.

  9. MusicFilmandGameguy on

    Does this guy know what a laughingstock he is? He must be air-gapped from all the millions of people who make fun of him every day

  10. Cockhero43 on

    Listen, out of all foods to ban, hotdogs aren’t the worst choice.

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