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You are owed gratitude for standing up and defending our Capitol. It was was a coup and should never be forgotten. Those who say it wasn’t are lying enablers.
Wonder who he voted for
I feel so sorry that all those who stood up against Trump’s mob which was essentially a “coup”- have to watch Trump and his sociopaths be sworn in again.💔😢
He should be pissed at the Democrats for failing to fulfill their duty. Democrats had all the authority they needed to have Trump and his accomplices arrested and imprisoned for the coup attempt, but democrats chose not to exercise that authority out of fear that doing so would be too polarizing. So we only have democratic cowardice to blame for our current situation.
Ask your union.
Republicans have tried to rewrite history. They spread deception. But January 6 was violence. It was insurrection.
MAGA supporters yelled “Hang Mike Pence!” They raised a gallows. These were not patriots. They were the shallows.
No accountability by DOJ. No accountability by SCOTUS. And in the end, no accountability by voters. They put this criminal back in office.
But for those of us who watched the January 6 attack live, there are no amount of lies you can say that will sway us to believe anything other than Trump incited a violent mob to attack our democracy.
We will never forget.
Blame your fellow cops and vets
This guy shouldn’t *feel* betrayed, he *was* betrayed.
So many chances for this demented orange shit-show to be stopped, yet here we are again. What a fucking disgrace.
*Everyone* should read this.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the Capitol officers go on strike after the pardoning of the Jan. 6’ers. Simply walk away leaving the Capitol without security.
I was nearly killed by the for-profit health insurance system. Years later, I still don’t give a fuck about some pig getting a dose of reality about what it would really be like living under the people he probably votes for.
Why are the vast majority of Americans numb to this? What is the secret sauce the media has to make us care about some things over others. It’s almost like everyone knows this is shameful BUT kind of ignores it. Extremists might claim he’s lying but I think most people do not think so and yet, nothing happens.
“In Iraq, I had the expectation that at any moment I could be killed by the enemy. But on January 6th, that feeling was constant. It was the longest day of my life, with more than forty people assaulting me—individually and in concert with others—over the course of exhausting, harrowing hours, all because the person who had incited the mob and had the authority to send the reinforcements chose to watch the siege on TV.”
Oh. But it was a peaceful protest….. 🙄
He was betrayed by fellow officers, who voted Trump in super-majority.
Me too bud, me too
It sucks that common americans who are against Trump and his cronies don’t take the streets and make the sacrifices needed so that their childrens can have a better future.
Let us never forget the most sickening part of that day. Fully 1/3 of House Republicans voted to NULLIFY the electoral votes of FIVE States merely because they didn’t like the outcome – AFTER the attack on the Capitol.
This was one of the most corrupt, anti-democratic, repugnant acts by elected representatives in modern U.S. History. They should put up a plaque of shame with every name of these traitors so that the full impact of that day be remembered.
This is a sad and pathetic day. I feel like democracy is dead.
Betrays by his own fellow police unions too
They like Trump because he represents them. He cheated on his spouses just like they do. He lies just like they do. He fears strong, intelligent women just like they do. He hates blacks and Mexicans just like they do. He’s sexually assaulted women just like they do. He is dishonorable in business dealings just like they are. He falsely hides behind a bible just like they do. He stands for violence against fellow Americans just like them. If they could be him they would.
I can think of someone I would love to see die on this date, what history that could be. Dancing in the streets and in the history books as karma.
America has failed you
Truly despicable
Where is the violent left wing riot that prevented the certification of the presidential election? Conservatives conspicuously quiet. Trashy liars and grifters the whole lot.
You and me both, brother
I abhor violence but more police should have used deadly force to turn the tide far earlier. The risk wasn’t acceptable when they were armed and the Capitol was under attack.
It sends message to the entire world that we’re 🤡
We were all betrayed by our government on and after J6.
DOJ and FBI tried to at least prosecute the low-level offenders, but they totally failed to get Trump and the other ringleaders. The Senate failed utterly in failing to convict the president that used a violent mob to send them into hiding. The U.S. Supreme Court, when it’s justices weren’t flying flags of solidarity with the Insurrection outside their homes, ended the rule of law by declaring one man completely above it. The last four years were a disaster for the U.S., but most of the responsibility lies with the federal courts and most especially the Supreme Court.
So yeah, we should all feel betrayed – because we were all betrayed. And in two weeks we’re going to see presidential and Congressional declarations that January 6th was a “beautiful day” of non-violence, that our lying eyes deceived us all, and that 2+2=5 and always has. This is the pathetic relativistic dictatorship that the Supreme Court declared has to replace two centuries of the equal application of the rule of law. It’s a joke, really.
Today is the day the music died it seems…RIP America
We do,too! I’m embarrassed & disturb.
Why wouldn’t he?
Today of all days you should call your congress people and senators and rip them new ones. I did it felt great
Sounds like he has a ton of civil suits against the insurrectionists.
The capitol officers rolled out the red carpet for MAGA and pretended to be helpless.
Don’t have any sympathy.
Lot of your blue brothers voted for trump.
Now the aim is Canada and or France. And they’ll take it if it’s not handed to dump. And no one will do anything about it. I hope he and musk get theirs.
Welp, looks like you’re realizing your fellow citizens suck. Good on you for not being a cynic until you couldn’t ignore it. I guess?
Why didn’t they shoot any of those terrorists?
Just remember, he can be de-certified still. Keep with faith and the hope there is the Light at the end of this tunnel that will cleanse the darkness Frump and Co has painted into our worlds.
Never give up!!!
A majority of the country doesnt feel betrayed. Think about that.
Amazingly, Americans voted the domestic terrorist into the White House.
No justice unless we make our own