Die CIA in Aktion Dieses Mädchen, Ex-Partnerin von Ellen Degeneres, arbeitete an einem Film, der Pädophilie in Hollywood aufdecken sollte. Sie sabotierten ihre Bremsen und sie betrat das Haus. Sie überlebte das "Feuerwehrleute" Er wickelte sie in einen Leichensack, entgegen dem gesunden Menschenverstand von Verbrennungsopfern

dass sie es schaffte, aus dem Sack herauszukommen. Sie packten sie fest und brachten sie in den Krankenwagen "Feuerwehrmann" Beobachtet und beobachtet, wer das beobachtet. Schauen Sie sich auch den neuen, sauberen Mantel an. Sie ist danach gestorben

Von GodOfWar2077


  1. Graphicism on

    What if this whole story is exactly what they want us to think?

    The CIA “murdering” Anne Heche sounds like just another made-up narrative for us to latch onto.

    It’s all PRS (Problem-Reaction-Solution) – they create these dramatic stories to stir emotions and offer the “solution” of control and manipulation.

    They keep us distracted with conspiracy theories, while they continue to work behind the scenes unnoticed. It’s all part of the illusion.

  2. ellen for sure was tied to that pdiddy shit, I recall she already fled the country. how much this one knows, for sure there has to be something over the years.

    I dont think you need the CIA to do these though. If you already knew it would do that, you couldve just followed the car with the truck and wait for it to do its expected thing and be first on the scene.

  3. Randon_Tomato_Event on

    She suffered full body burns. Her nerves may have been firing but she was never going to survive the accident. What would have killed her even faster is exposing the lowest layers of her skin, of which the protective layers were burnt off, to air and dirt and dust!

  4. yesterdays_laundry on

    Is the first picture her trying to get off the stretcher?

  5. Aggressive-King3203 on

    I’m sorta confused as to what I’m seeing in that first pic? I see legs and what looks like someone with a shirt off like on their hands and knees on tip of them?

  6. LordSugarTits on

    its the backstage cleanup crew disposing of her. We on the Truman show baby

  7. Quotidiennement on

    Something I’m just noticing now these ambulances are way too clean and brand new to be normal ambulances. I’m a healthcare worker and I always thought the way She was transported into that looked extremely crazy and weird and not normal.

  8. stlcardsgrl06 on

    She looks like she has multiple burns on her body. Adrenaline is a hell of a thing. She most likely succumbed to her injuries in the ambulance.

  9. ginghamcheckjack on

    It’s just like the reporter who was killed coz his car accelerated and it was not him. His car was hacked remotely. That was back in 2011 folks. They have all kinds of tech.

  10. ed_dantes7 on

    All I could think of was “Wag the Dog” when this happened, which coincidentally she starred in

  11. Human_Style_6920 on

    I do think people are using the hospitals and emergency workers to assassinate people.

  12. Also google her grave stone. They troll her with a picture of one eye symbolism.

  13. [Here’s the new clip from NBCLA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Fh3AXD9OQ)

    She was first in the ICU when entered into the hospital, but later upgraded to “in stable condition” and was transferred to recovery.

    It was reported by the officers on the scene that “she appeared to be under the influence”and was acting erratically. [However, a later toxicology report found no alcohol or active drugs in her system.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/12/08/anne-heche-autopsy-report/)

    Obviously, she did not recover as she died 6 days later. [Cause of death is smoke inhalation and blunt force trauma](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/complicated-aftermath-anne-heches-death-120000263.html)

    [More news with photos](https://nypost.com/2022/12/06/anne-heche-wasnt-high-at-time-of-deadly-crash-autopsy/)

    So yes, she was alive in the video, and was for several days afterwards. Last, [The movie “she was working on” was still released](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21663074/) So, take that for what its worth.

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