Harris sendet eine Botschaft an Amerika, während sie Trump ihre eigene Wahlniederlage bescheinigt | Die Vizepräsidentin sagte, sie erfülle eine „heilige Verpflichtung“.



  1. ToeDisastrous3501 on

    I was never crazy about Kamala, but she’s a grown up. I guess that’s not what we want in the White House anymore.

  2. Responsible-Room-645 on

    Unfortunately, none of that is going to matter in a failing state

  3. Keptlosingmylogins on

    Great but this doesn’t mean shit when the other side gives zero fucks about traditions and laws.

  4. thecrosberry on

    Forgive me for not patting her on the back for surrendering to fascism and throwing out the 14th amendment for the sake of upholding norms that nobody cares about anymore. This total lack of fight is fucking pathetic.

  5. Our forefathers thought their sacred obligation was to stop the fascists at any cost.

  6. RIP_Greedo on

    If they were really serious about how Trump is a fascist and his term spells the end of American democracy, what does it say that she and Biden are just letting it happen?

  7. She didn’t bitch and moan about it, which I appreciate because we aren’t gonna see that level of self control in play for a long time

  8. Welcome to the United States a failed country run by rich white dudes

  9. I don’t know what they expect. Should she sit there and cry like a baby about the loss or act like a mature adult and do her job?

  10. SantaClaus69420 on

    Holy shit im so normed pilled. Traditions and norms am i rite, it’s even better than healthcare

  11. Probably gonna get some hate for this but folks who are saying “how dare she certify this” sound just like Trump voters did in 2021…

  12. AFthrowaway3000 on

    I’m so tired of the “we go high” BS from Dems. This is what it gets us.

  13. OtherBluesBrother on

    I can respect someone who doesn’t cry and throw a tantrum over the losing an election like Trump did. That is true strength.

  14. I just want to give a big shout out to all the “democrats” who sat out the last election: Fuck you guys. You’re all as responsible for the next four (?) years as the dumb deplorables who enthusiastically voted for Trump. 

  15. starfleethastanks on

    These “sacred obligations” mean NOTHING to Trump and his sycophants.

  16. TotallyDissedHomie on

    people that got away with planning the insurrection still don’t give a damn about sacred obligations

  17. airwalker08 on

    Democrats keep losing by being honest at a time when lying has proven to be an effective tactic within the Republican party.

  18. tendeuchen on

    Goddamnit, Kamala. You have the chance to do the funniest thing.

    And it would be warranted with literal election interference having been uncovered.

  19. DicksFried4Harambe on

    Biden has the chance to do some of the funniest things before he leaves office

  20. Akimbo_Zap_Guns on

    When you peacefully elect a fascist there is no peaceful way to get them out. GGs America

  21. Wolverinedoge on

    I believe “sacred obligations” are what Big T uses to wipe these days.

  22. Latter-Leg4035 on

    Happy Treason Day to the 80 million people that celebrate it.

  23. williamgman on

    It takes a strong person to follow the Constitution… Even as document is torn up.

  24. SayVandalay on

    If only the republicans and maga crowd cared about decorum and the constitution while they tried to violently overthrow the peaceful transfer of power in 2020.

  25. Frankentula on

    Someone on the “insurrection wasn’t so bad” side of things care to comment about how they consolidate this idea with the fact that Harris is certifying these election results? Can you guys just admit to being sore losers last go around?

  26. thisnameisnowmine on

    This is behind a paywall, so I didn’t’ actually read this article—what is this saying exactly?


    The last four generations of my family have served in every major conflict since Korea. We have failed in the majority of them. Why? We faced a weaker enemy that did not play by the rules we set for ourselves. What good are rules of engagement when only one side follows the rules?

    Democrats are doing the same thing. They play by traditional rules and customs, while their opponents do not. If they do not adapt to the asymmetrical warfare being waged, they will simply continue to lose. Decency and sacred obligations have left the building. The GOP would most certainly not be fulfilling their “sacred obligations” if the roles were reversed. They have demonstrated their contempt for the civility of our system time and time again. We have tried the high road and it is not working. It rarely does work on a macro level. Stoop to their level to save the Republic. Then, we can go back to decency and tradition.

  28. Anyone wishing she would “fight against this and stop the fascists” sound insane.

    There was an election. She lost. By certifying the vote, she is defending democracy.

  29. It’s a real conundrum that Democrats conduct themselves with honor and dignity as they hand over power to someone who will throw them against the wall the first chance he gets.

    They are handing the keys over to someone they rightly said is a threat to democracy and wants to be a dictator as if he isn’t a threat to democracy who said he would be a dictator on day 1.

    It’s a really sad day for America.

  30. She can call it whatever she likes, she has certified a criminal rapist and America is certifiably a laughing stock failing nation. But she was sacredly obligated, so it’s fine.

  31. Due-Rip-5860 on

    I’m watching and all I want to do is punch JD Vance’s smug face .

    Btw : it looks like someone already decked him. He has a bruise on the right side of his face .


    I don’t want to hear anymore of this “when they go low, we go high” bullshit. Fucking ENOUGH. Look at where it’s gotten us.

  33. NietzscheNoYolo on

    She says the peaceful transfer of power honors the Constitution, but isn’t “loyalty to the Constitution” also about preventing an impeached insurrectionist from taking power? If the Constitution won’t survive, isn’t it in fact **more important** to act to preserve the Constitution?

  34. Forgemasterblaster on

    This is my main gripe with Dems. No one gives a shit about the pomp and circumstance/history at this point. It’s about winning and the Dems got destroyed in the presidential election. So thanks for upholding history, but to the victor goes the spoils and history will simply remember the past 4 years as the aberration sadly rather than the norm going forward.

  35. She will be in the history books as having signed in and politely welcomed the incoming fascist regime.

    People wondered for ages why the Germans just let it happen. They went along with it.

    The US is doing the same thing now.

  36. Raspberries-Are-Evil on

    First day of this Congress, a 78 year old chose the Speaker, an 81 year old fell and injured herself, and the third person in line to the Presidency is 91 years old.

    Remember when “age” was a top concern in the election?

    Fucking unreal.

  37. FloozyFoot on

    History will label the democrats who are sticking to rules no one else cares about as weak and deaf to the era they exist in.

    They are the only ones who care about what’s right. That’s kind of always the side that will lose.

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