Ford und Musk. Sie haben Autos gebaut. Sie unterstützten Faschisten.


  1. HeyManGoodPost on


    So much this.

    Once more, for the people in the back.

    This needs to be on the front page of every site.

    Fuck Elon.

    Fuck Trump.

    Fuck Fascism.

    That is all.

  2. Ban-Circumcision-Now on

    Rich people worship is terrible and it goes back. the Kellogg guy is part of why circumcision became popular in the U.S., rich people can direct the populace to do some evil things to each other.

  3. Ford was also incredibly anti-Semitic, though that was generally the view back then. To the point where Ford made his own newspaper bashing the Jews. He was a very altruistic and idealistic man. He did not believe in financiers and investors being able to make a living simply by investing money into something and not building it in any way. He says many of the top banks were run by Jews, to financiers tended to be Jewish, and I really think that’s where is dislike of them grew from. 

    That said, for better or worse, Henry Ford is the catalyst for the modern world. Without him, we’d likely be decades behind where we are now 

  4. At least Ford created a popular manufacturing model and also paid his employees well, for the myriad other faults he had he actually made stuff that made a difference. All Musk does is buy up things that look promising and then spend years meddling and actively making his companies worse whenever he’s directly involved. Space X is a success in spite of Elon, not thanks to him.

  5. whereismymind86 on

    “I’d have two nickels…but it’s weird it happened twice”

  6. “They backed fascists”

    If you are at a table eating dinner with a bunch of Nazis…

  7. aklausing42 on

    I heard the stories from my grandma how all started (she was born 1921) and how it was possible for Hitler to get this power that fast. Everyone looked away … EVERYONE. “But they were elected, we have to deal with them” – NO WE DON’T! I never thought that in my live it would fear that this could happen again – at least in Germany. I thought we learned. But we didn’t. And it started again in Thüringen. And again the “established parties” will help the faschists to gain power and ignore all signs for years. Everyone is only thinking of his own personal goals and wealth … this is such a piece of shit …

  8. Striking-Garbage-810 on

    I guess we’re not gonna make it guys let’s just form a suicide pact now and be done with it

  9. ubernerd44 on

    The *were/are* fascists. Capitalism is a fascist system, there is no getting around it.

  10. SpxUmadBroYolo on

    I mean the both sold cars yes but to claim they’re similar is a stretch. Ford didn’t buy Ford and claim he made Fords from the ground up.

  11. Ghost_of_KingSass on

    Guys….. it’s the same country, nothings changed 100 years ago. We very much welcomed the Nazis in US company’s, then took them in after WW2 and gave them nice jobs, and still support them today

  12. k_ironheart on

    They also both used their power to ruin mass transit, which has been proven time and time again to wildly benefit the working class. And they paid their employees less than what they were worth.

    The ultra wealthy are, and always have been, evil, amoral and unable to share this planet with the rest of us. We’re in a lifeboat, and they’re hoarding all the food; food they will never be able to eat, and if they shared, there would still be more than enough for all of us to survive. It’s time we throw them overboard.

  13. Olderscout77 on

    Only difference is Musk is supporting fascists (disguised as Commies) who are not currently in a shooting war with the USA. You did notice Elon got the GOPers to include a clause in the spending bill (that narrowly avoid another government shutdown) which greenlights his spending billions to build a plant to make batteries IN CHINA for use in the cars made in the MULTI-billion dollar plant to build his cars already IN CHINA?

  14. ElectroStaticz on

    One big difference is one of them revolutionized their industry and built decent cars. I’ll let you figure out who I’m talking about.

  15. BrokkelPiloot on

    Musk is a no one compared to Ford. Also, Musk himself is a fascist and he is completely off his rockers.

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