Justin Trudeau tritt nach zehn Jahren als kanadischer Premierminister zurück



  1. Chance-Geologist-833 on

    he waited until he could put “Prime Minister of Canada (2015-2025)” on his resume and pretend he was in charge for a full decade

  2. RespectedPath on

    I’m not a Canadian, so my opinion is moot, but after 9-ish years, it’s time to move on, good or bad, right?

  3. It was time, he had clearly lost the support of his party and thanks to various internal and external scandals, has been painted in a bad light to the point where he couldn’t have recovered. It’s just a shame that this country has no compelling alternative, the other party leaders wouldn’t have done any better than he had.

  4. GatorReign on

    Post title doesn’t match the article title (9 years).

    Was this move expected given the likely election outcome?

  5. He seems to be extremely hated in Canada. My Canadian friends, hell even reddit, all seem excited for him to leave

  6. DenseCalligrapher219 on

    Say what you will about Trudeau but at least he had the decency to step away from political leadership when realizing things weren’t going so well compared to the orange fungus with an extreme ego who won’t shut up about how “awesome” he is and overall is an insufferable twat.

  7. AdEmbarrassed3566 on

    Should have happened months earlier similar to Biden.

    A place like reddit is often a left wing echo chamber but his polling has been statistically horrendous. His party needs to realign and reform its policies to have a chance in the election but it’s likely too late.

  8. 10 years is long enough for running a country. It’s good to have some turnover.

  9. Ill-Mountain-4457 on

    Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harry’s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system.

  10. Energy_decoder on

    Anyone mess with modi, this is their fate. Jai shree ram 🚩🚩 s

  11. notathrowaway_321 on

    I was just searching about what Trudeau is doing, and when I came back to reddit, it shows this.

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