Elon Musk „sperrt Reporter von X“, nachdem Artikel Licht auf das angebliche Alter Ego des Tesla-Besitzers Adrian Dittman wirft 😂
fElon Musk – lets get it right. It’s not Elon, it’s fElon…
Scum bucket Musk is a deceitful little man.
That’s not a penalty, it’s a favor. Posting on twitter damages credibility.
The one and only “freeze peach” advocate. 🙄
Another thing he has in common with his new bb fake names!
He and DT both used the same approach by creating alter egos to pretend they were someone else talking high about themselves 😂 EM clearly copied DT on this one. And if you haven’t read the one about DT look it up. It was the same thing, same deceptive technique. How sad that MAGA “Christians” voted for this kind of deceptive behavior.
Poor insecure little weird guy.
When will he realize a report with an ounce of integrity doesn’t need to post on twatter.
All journalists should be fleeing X. Otherwise they are contributing to the problem.
Has anyone checked in on John Barron, John Miller, and David Dennison lately?
the much-loved, noble, wise and righteous sovereign and sublime ruler.
People need to start calling him Adrian Musk.
Why is anybody other than trolls and bots still swimming in that cesspool?
It’s crazy how easy it is to show he’s not the “guardian of free-speech” he claims he is.
It’s even funnier when you remember how much he was complaining about censorship and free speech.
Adrian Dipshit
Free Speech Absolutist*
*some ego bruising exceptions apply
Post it on BlueSky, is my advice