Das Gericht verurteilte Starbucks zur Zahlung von über 25 MILLIONEN US-Dollar, weil sie einen Mitarbeiter entlassen hatten, weil er weiß war

Von random_precision195


  1. random_precision195 on

    Rule Ten: In today’s Culture Wars feature, this is the moment we learn that Starbucks had to pay 25.6 big ‘uns to an employee for lacking pigment. Starbucks has no comment at this time.

  2. Freeze_Peach_ on

    This happened over six years ago in 2018-2019

    They terminated the regional manager because she herself refused to terminate another manager, and neither had anything to do with the Rittenhouse Square incident. The regional manager also spent a lot of time in the wake of the incident trying to mend fences in the community, and she was let go for no reason whatsoever.

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