Elon Musk fragt in einer Tirade gegen die britische Regierung, ob Amerika „das britische Volk befreien“ sollte



  1. GodOfTheNihilism on

    So Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal, and now the U.K.? Do Trump and Putin have a deal to partition Earth or something?

  2. Hats off to Musk.

    Takes some balls to broadcast your stupidity to the world every day.

  3. YoungDan23 on

    Musk is still in hot water with the British government after he directly peddled fake news that incited riots against migrants last summer. This little stunt isn’t going to help him gain support back with the UK government.

  4. littlebiped on

    As a person in the UK this South African living in the US’s obsession with a country he has barely acknowledged up until a month ago is fucking tedious. Get a job. Or do the five you claim you have.

  5. America “Liberating” the UK?? So us annexing the UK…is irony just dead now??

    Even Trump has to think this one is absolutely looney…Musk needs to put down the ketamine

  6. OnDrugsTonight on

    I’d love to see that pathetic little shit weasel try. You and whose army, Musk? Lay off the fucking ket and go into a long, ideally permanent rehab. You’re adding nothing of any value to the world, worthless piece of shit

  7. YakInner4303 on

    My condolences to the people of Tesla and spaceX who have had to deal with this guy pretending he’s in charge for years.

  8. Suitable-Display-410 on

    I think the world needs to get liberated from this drug addict.

  9. Axe_Meister on

    Time to stop electric car subsidies on Tesla only. Make sure all of our satellites are launched by the European space agency.

  10. EmptyNoyse on

    Will no one rid us of this turbulent priest. Or in this instance this entitled skid mark?

  11. rocketfromthepast on

    Sad, rich, friendless drug addict talks nonsense.

    News at ten.

  12. Mr-ReDiCulouZ on


    I hope Interpol gets involved, this reeks of a war threat. Lets not forget thats the same terminology Putin used right before invading Ukraine.

  13. ChocolateHoneycomb on

    NO! Go away!

    In 2024 we voted to start the process of restoring our damaged country.

    In 2024 you guys voted to put yours through a meat grinder.

    We are NOT going to let you drag us into authoritarian rule.

  14. Germanhammer05 on

    It’s just depressing waking up each day and wondering what new way Trump, Elon, and their band of ingrates will find to piss off our friends, make terrible decisions, and in general make the world worse off for everyone else except themselves.

  15. Commercial_Regret_36 on

    Liberation assumes we want you here. We don’t, fuck off.

    We have a history of executing despots worse than you.

  16. Psychobabl on

    So when President Musk’s aggressive conquest kicks off we’ll unquestionably be the bad guys. Man all those years of unaddressed Russian influence on our political systems are paying dividends.

  17. He’s making increasingly shrill outbursts and trolls and Kier Starmer is just… ignoring him. Musk can’t stand it, it’s hilarious.

    When Starmer was asked about it this morning he just said that he thinks most people are more interested in the [NHS](https://www.theguardian.com/society/nhs) “than what’s happening on Twitter”. Didn’t even name check Musk. Cue the next incoming meltdown in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

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