Wenn Libyen alle Kriege gewinnen würde (einschließlich der Finanzierung der Rebellen)

Von rustythegoldmemer


  1. UbiSububi8 on

    And everything went swimmingly for the Libyans… *until they got into a land war in Asia*

  2. hoi4kaiserreichfanbo on

    I can’t believe you gave Egypt both Bir Tawil and the Halaib Triangle, you must really hate Sudan to adopt such a maximalist position (/s).

    (Egypt and Sudan both claim two different treaties define their border, one of which gives Egypt the valuable bit of land known as the Halaib Triangle and Sudan the worthless peace of land Bir Tawil, the other of which does the opposite. So neither country claims Bir Tawil to maintain their claim on the Halaib Triangle.)

    I also find the solution of removing the island of Cyprus to be biased towards the Turks, as international recognition overwhelmingly goes to the Republic of Cyprus (/s).

    Cool map op.

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