it would be nice if all the people who took an oath of office, i.e. the congressman/woman and senators would upkeep their oath and not their fucking party.
bubblebass280 on
If the #resistance wants to be an effective form of opposition in the second Trump administration, they come up with better plans than this. It’s nothing but performative nonsense that won’t go anywhere, and MAGA types can easily claim that they are looking to subvert the will of the people.
ponyflip on
anything but voting with these people. that would take more effort than posting on social media
Agnos on
Stupid…to do something like that you need to prepare for a long time…January 6th did not happen spontaneously…
300w on
Let’s hope it’s not all performative and the elected officials that work for the people of this country actually do something.
Gustapher00 on
Finally, the like 12th paragraph gives the real info.
> This movement, however, will almost certainly not persuade Congress to object to the election results and no prominent Democrats have come out in support of it. On the contrary, they have said Trump clearly won the election and they will certify the results.
Wh0snwhatsit on
Too little. Too late.
ThomasToIndia on
4 years and an impeachment where he was acquitted. It was always possible he could get elected again and it happened. This was trial by population.
DunnoMouse on
The “system” as they would call it has had its chance to stop him and it has failed. It doesn’t matter anymore. He’s going to take power. Any attempt to stop him now would be shattered by the SCOTUS he owns. I understand the sentiment, but these people should conserve their energy to overcome the next four years and hope to God there will be another chance to throw his cult out then, if there’s anything left to throw them out of.
thesayke on
It only takes 40% of Democratic members of Congress to object to Trump as an insurrectionist
Someone posted a video of this protest earlier, only like 20 people showed up lol
Magoo69X on
Too late. The time to finally castrate Trump was years ago.
FlickrReddit on
If we think were irregularities or foreign interference, we should be looking at a forensic vote audit, especially of the six swing states. That should have begun November 7.
IdahoDuncan on
Bah, cmon America, time to take your medicine
Riccosmonster on
Romania showed the world how to undo a sham election
olearygreen on
Oh good lord are. We going to make Jan 6th a tradition now?
Previous_Park_1009 on
User4C4C4C on
Who wild be president if Trump is disqualified? Vance? Vance is sworn in first, then if Trump is disqualified the order of succession kicks in?
southErn-2 on
Why would he want to take charge of a DC protest anyway?
skuzzkitty on
Critics? What in the verbal obfuscation is that? It’s not criticism to say that the dude who hates the US would be, and already was, a horrible leader.
blacksun_redux on
I hate the Orange Bufoon as much as the next guy, but this will do nothing but rile up the MAGA goons.
Thetinkeringtrader on
South Korea sized protest would probably work, but good luck with that. Also, let’s be honest. The cops would be there cracking skulls, side by side with the Oathkeepers/Proud Boys etc a hell of a lot quicker.
freddielovesdelilah on
Idk why. It’s not like leaders or anyone for that matter from either party is going to stop it anyway. They are all sitting comfortably right about now. It is all of us who is fucked
raerae1991 on
Not gonna happen republicans are fearful and have no backbone
No_Yak_6227 on
trump will not unify the ppl of this country because he’s hell bent on punishing those who would dare to stand up to him but the biggest part of this is get into office stay out of prison…can you for a moment just think how his mind must work…..get elected thru thick or thin gotta stay out of prison meanwhile spread false info about how I’m treated so poorly by judges they’re all against me my stupid followers believe it do the critics of Donnie doll hands have the guts to stay the course and demand that the 14th amendment be used or will this be another get everyone’s hopes up only to be let down like so many of trumps trials and judges that bend to the would be king???
Mental_patient_zed on
If he takes office on Jan 20th, the Constitution will mean nothing since they’re completely ignoring the 14th amendment. With Presidential immunity there will be nothing to stop him from doing whatever he wants to whom ever he wants in the name of keeping America safe…
sgreenm22 on
Yeah, ok, that’ll work 🙄🙄🙄
Evinceo on
Can we not turn into MAGAs please guys? It’s fucking embarrassing.
kartoonist435 on
Good try Russia! Not gonna trick me into a democrat Jan 6th
silsum on
Justice for all??
Spare_Broccoli1876 on
What kind of title is that? We can tell what you’re doing. That shit is no longer working for more people. How about building heaven instead of handing the earth over to the dumbest demon in hell…. Again… my god
forceblast on
Sadly, this isn’t going to work. Our chance was Nov 5th but people were too busy whining over egg prices and watching TikTok or whatever.
CosmicViris on
The plans itself makes perfect sense, but unfortunately unless we start seeing more Mario brothers related incidents, I doubt the Supreme Court will go for it
wsrs25 on
I wish the Dems (I’m a Never-Grifter/Con Man/Reprobate/Nut Case conservative) would give to this jackass the same he gave to them. To wit:
– Float the “VP can refuse to certify” argument as a real possibility, which would either lose in court but delay the Inauguration by weeks, or result in him and his ilk spewing hypocritical blather for two weeks.
– List him and his lackeys preemptively as material witnesses to provide insight into why they think the VP could when it was Pence but Harris can’t.
– Have Biden cite the immunity nonsense from SCOTUS and float that maybe Gitmo would be a great retirement home for and his family (Imagine Trump faced with the possibility of spending the rest of his life on an Island with Jr and Eric.)
– Have Biden cite national security reasons for the move after Jan 6, 2021, which would qualify him, per SCOTUS and Trump, for immunity from any charges.
Ideally, all of the above would prompt a lot of caterwauling, boohooing and unhinged-more-than-normal rants to the point even his gullible base gets sick of his slither.
bogusbuttakis on
Trump exposed how corrupt politicians have became! Trump has taken the corruption up to the highest level. The Presidency!……
I’m unable to conclude if Americans are just stupid, or just vote for whoever is running for their party!
Because it’s stupid
it would be nice if all the people who took an oath of office, i.e. the congressman/woman and senators would upkeep their oath and not their fucking party.
If the #resistance wants to be an effective form of opposition in the second Trump administration, they come up with better plans than this. It’s nothing but performative nonsense that won’t go anywhere, and MAGA types can easily claim that they are looking to subvert the will of the people.
anything but voting with these people. that would take more effort than posting on social media
Stupid…to do something like that you need to prepare for a long time…January 6th did not happen spontaneously…
Let’s hope it’s not all performative and the elected officials that work for the people of this country actually do something.
Finally, the like 12th paragraph gives the real info.
> This movement, however, will almost certainly not persuade Congress to object to the election results and no prominent Democrats have come out in support of it. On the contrary, they have said Trump clearly won the election and they will certify the results.
Too little. Too late.
4 years and an impeachment where he was acquitted. It was always possible he could get elected again and it happened. This was trial by population.
The “system” as they would call it has had its chance to stop him and it has failed. It doesn’t matter anymore. He’s going to take power. Any attempt to stop him now would be shattered by the SCOTUS he owns. I understand the sentiment, but these people should conserve their energy to overcome the next four years and hope to God there will be another chance to throw his cult out then, if there’s anything left to throw them out of.
It only takes 40% of Democratic members of Congress to object to Trump as an insurrectionist
Let’s fucking go!!!
Someone posted a video of this protest earlier, only like 20 people showed up lol
Too late. The time to finally castrate Trump was years ago.
If we think were irregularities or foreign interference, we should be looking at a forensic vote audit, especially of the six swing states. That should have begun November 7.
Bah, cmon America, time to take your medicine
Romania showed the world how to undo a sham election
Oh good lord are. We going to make Jan 6th a tradition now?
Who wild be president if Trump is disqualified? Vance? Vance is sworn in first, then if Trump is disqualified the order of succession kicks in?
Why would he want to take charge of a DC protest anyway?
Critics? What in the verbal obfuscation is that? It’s not criticism to say that the dude who hates the US would be, and already was, a horrible leader.
I hate the Orange Bufoon as much as the next guy, but this will do nothing but rile up the MAGA goons.
South Korea sized protest would probably work, but good luck with that. Also, let’s be honest. The cops would be there cracking skulls, side by side with the Oathkeepers/Proud Boys etc a hell of a lot quicker.
Idk why. It’s not like leaders or anyone for that matter from either party is going to stop it anyway. They are all sitting comfortably right about now. It is all of us who is fucked
Not gonna happen republicans are fearful and have no backbone
trump will not unify the ppl of this country because he’s hell bent on punishing those who would dare to stand up to him but the biggest part of this is get into office stay out of prison…can you for a moment just think how his mind must work…..get elected thru thick or thin gotta stay out of prison meanwhile spread false info about how I’m treated so poorly by judges they’re all against me my stupid followers believe it do the critics of Donnie doll hands have the guts to stay the course and demand that the 14th amendment be used or will this be another get everyone’s hopes up only to be let down like so many of trumps trials and judges that bend to the would be king???
If he takes office on Jan 20th, the Constitution will mean nothing since they’re completely ignoring the 14th amendment. With Presidential immunity there will be nothing to stop him from doing whatever he wants to whom ever he wants in the name of keeping America safe…
Yeah, ok, that’ll work 🙄🙄🙄
Can we not turn into MAGAs please guys? It’s fucking embarrassing.
Good try Russia! Not gonna trick me into a democrat Jan 6th
Justice for all??
What kind of title is that? We can tell what you’re doing. That shit is no longer working for more people. How about building heaven instead of handing the earth over to the dumbest demon in hell…. Again… my god
Sadly, this isn’t going to work. Our chance was Nov 5th but people were too busy whining over egg prices and watching TikTok or whatever.
The plans itself makes perfect sense, but unfortunately unless we start seeing more Mario brothers related incidents, I doubt the Supreme Court will go for it
I wish the Dems (I’m a Never-Grifter/Con Man/Reprobate/Nut Case conservative) would give to this jackass the same he gave to them. To wit:
– Float the “VP can refuse to certify” argument as a real possibility, which would either lose in court but delay the Inauguration by weeks, or result in him and his ilk spewing hypocritical blather for two weeks.
– List him and his lackeys preemptively as material witnesses to provide insight into why they think the VP could when it was Pence but Harris can’t.
– Have Biden cite the immunity nonsense from SCOTUS and float that maybe Gitmo would be a great retirement home for and his family (Imagine Trump faced with the possibility of spending the rest of his life on an Island with Jr and Eric.)
– Have Biden cite national security reasons for the move after Jan 6, 2021, which would qualify him, per SCOTUS and Trump, for immunity from any charges.
Ideally, all of the above would prompt a lot of caterwauling, boohooing and unhinged-more-than-normal rants to the point even his gullible base gets sick of his slither.
Trump exposed how corrupt politicians have became! Trump has taken the corruption up to the highest level. The Presidency!……
I’m unable to conclude if Americans are just stupid, or just vote for whoever is running for their party!