Hispanics und Latinos % in den US-Bezirken.

Von ellatino230


  1. Boring_Bumblebee6157 on

    If the trend of Hispanics going to the right continues, we could very well see a purple or even red California in the coming cycles. We already saw it this election in the Hispanic majority counties of Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties shifting red.

  2. MustyMustacheMan on

    It’s like they putting a lot of dedication into creating the regions when they started on the east coast and went „fuck it“ by the time they arrived on the west coast.

  3. Zealousideal-Pick799 on

    Why is Washington labeled? Also, creating insets with different projection for Alaska (and Hawaii, although in this case that seems to have been done but not Alaska, idk why you’d only do one) makes a better map imo.

  4. nomamesgueyz on

    It’s almost like that part of the country used to be Mexican until the US took it

  5. Your weekly reminder that Latino and Hispanic are not interchangeable terms

  6. physicistdeluxe on

    why the spread thru new mexico? agriculture, similar to ca central and salinas valleys,.

  7. InteractionWide3369 on

    Please, Americans, stop using “Latino”, it just makes no sense, if you’re using any of those terms which I don’t encourage you to do, at least use the English version “Latin”, it’s far less confusing for you guys.

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