Probably the single best post I’ve seen on r/dataisbeautiful!
Antimatter92_ on
Just for clarification, you have 2 homes and 2 workplaces?
cool_hand_legolas on
which bristol scale do you enjoy most? do you find you spend more time pooping when you’re having a good time or a bad time?
Macho_Chad on
This is one of the shittiest visuals I’ve ever seen. Excellent work OP.
djb25 on
Blank spot in “location” is when you shit your pants?
dickfromaccounting on
A real shitpost if I’ve ever seen one
Fermented_Identity on
The first slide had me stuck. “Who’s taking 22 poos per hour? Are they counting the individual pooplets? Is it the number of minutes they’re taking to poo?!” Then realized you meant ‘By Day/Hour’
PrudentWolf on
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime…
Wheysteve on
Do you use an app for tracking this?
lizrdsg on
This is fantastic and I’m curious if you have any insights into why Tuesdays are shittier than Thursdays. (By quantity of poops – not volume)
Mosley_ on
You really had a few 30-40 min poops? I hope you have a comfy seat. I’d have a ring around my ass if I sat there that long.
poolgoso1594 on
Assuming the average duration is 10 minutes, you spent 3 whole days sitting on the toilet last year
TedBundysVlkswagon on
Next year, you should match the chart colors to the stool color for each shit.
I also don’t see any sharting data listed. Something to think about.
tatanka01 on
Man, some people can just shit anytime, anywhere.
kupuwhakawhiti on
Great data collection. What do you think you have learnt about yourself?
What I will say is that your bristol category colours could be more distinct. It’s hard to tell them apart.
Conscious-Ruin-570 on
The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time
Mauser-Nut91 on
Didn’t list you fucking axis on the first or third pictures. People really need to revisit the fundamentals of graphing
Motti66 on
Whats the scale if the y axis? dB, mbar?
freakdrummer2000 on
I believe it’s total number of poops
davesFriendReddit on
You did 70 poops per hour? I think the title should be “by” hour and “by” year. Butt the
nakedalienmonkey on
Absolutely shitty post. One thing to improve it would be to add the official unit of measurement for a turd which is the couric.
ImOldGregg_77 on
Why…hiw are you taking 70 poops at 9am?
You_Ate_The_Bones on
Is there an app for this? How did you track these and shit out these tables?
throw_away1049 on
But how often have you sharted? Hopefully less than that other guy.
Furlion on
Have you used any of this to improve your health? Or seen how well it correlates with your health? Poop is important in knowing your overall health. Very cool!
Probably the single best post I’ve seen on r/dataisbeautiful!
Just for clarification, you have 2 homes and 2 workplaces?
which bristol scale do you enjoy most? do you find you spend more time pooping when you’re having a good time or a bad time?
This is one of the shittiest visuals I’ve ever seen. Excellent work OP.
Blank spot in “location” is when you shit your pants?
A real shitpost if I’ve ever seen one
The first slide had me stuck. “Who’s taking 22 poos per hour? Are they counting the individual pooplets? Is it the number of minutes they’re taking to poo?!” Then realized you meant ‘By Day/Hour’
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime…
Do you use an app for tracking this?
This is fantastic and I’m curious if you have any insights into why Tuesdays are shittier than Thursdays. (By quantity of poops – not volume)
You really had a few 30-40 min poops? I hope you have a comfy seat. I’d have a ring around my ass if I sat there that long.
Assuming the average duration is 10 minutes, you spent 3 whole days sitting on the toilet last year
Next year, you should match the chart colors to the stool color for each shit.
I also don’t see any sharting data listed. Something to think about.
Man, some people can just shit anytime, anywhere.
Great data collection. What do you think you have learnt about yourself?
What I will say is that your bristol category colours could be more distinct. It’s hard to tell them apart.
The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time
Didn’t list you fucking axis on the first or third pictures. People really need to revisit the fundamentals of graphing
Whats the scale if the y axis? dB, mbar?
I believe it’s total number of poops
You did 70 poops per hour? I think the title should be “by” hour and “by” year. Butt the
Absolutely shitty post. One thing to improve it would be to add the official unit of measurement for a turd which is the couric.
Why…hiw are you taking 70 poops at 9am?
Is there an app for this? How did you track these and shit out these tables?
But how often have you sharted? Hopefully less than that other guy.
Have you used any of this to improve your health? Or seen how well it correlates with your health? Poop is important in knowing your overall health. Very cool!
Tuesday, more like Poosday, amiright!