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>”I never falsified business records. It is a fake, made up charge by a corrupt judge who is just doing the work of the Biden/Harris Injustice Department, an attack on their political opponent, ME!” Trump wrote. “…I was hiding nothing, everything was out in the open for all to see. Every legal scholar of note said there IS NO CASE AGAINST ME. The judge should be disbarred! This is why people, and companies, are FLEEING New York – A corrupt court system.”
Everything he said is wrong.
I called for Trump to be jailed
season 5 is just going to be greeeeaaat.
And Americans called for Trump to be impeached… twice!
Is it to soon to request another election?
Trump and his MAGA loyalists continue to threaten swift retribution against their perceived political opponents.
They’ve threatened to “go after” the media, the “deep state,” journalists, judges, congressmen, civil servants, critics, anyone who has ever tried to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, anyone who participated in “stealing” the 2020 election, hell, anyone who has ever hurt Donald Trump’s feelings.
Every accusation is a confession, every investigation is a “witch Hunt,” every piece of negative coverage is “fake news,” every effort to indict or impeach Trump amounts to the “weaponization of the justice system,” every election loss is “rigged,” every criticism is unfair, every attempt to hold Trump accountable equates to “persecution.”
Trump is *always* the victim, and *always* the winner, no matter the circumstances.
The party of personal responsibility can’t seem to take responsibility for a damn thing.
There’s a demonstrative double standard at play here.
You may or may not be surprised to know how often Trump, his allies and co-conspirators have lied or attempted to obstruct justice during investigations over the last eight years.
Donald Trump has been evading justice and threatening to sue his critics throughout his entire life. He’s continuously exploited his wealth, power, and privilege to game the justice system and avoid being incriminated.
> In January 2023, a federal judge fined Trump and his attorney nearly $1 million, characterizing him as “a prolific and sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries”
This has always been Trump’s M.O. He continuously threatens to jail his political opponents, and is, even now, currently issuing threats to multiple media outlets and reporters.
Then there’s this:
> In 2016, the American Bar Association (ABA) commissioned a report to highlight Trump’s excess litigation, entitled “Donald J. Trump is a Libel Bully but also a Libel Loser”, but ***initially declined to publish it fearing being sued by Trump***
It also might not surprise you to know that Donald Trump has been involved in over 4,000 legal cases, many of which included financial crimes, multi-million dollar real estate disputes, tax and state law violations, dishonest business practices and defamation suits. Showcasing his penchant for corruption, fraud and vindictiveness.
He is a serial fraud and cheater. He cheats on his wives, on his taxes, he cheats at golf and constantly lies about his wealth.
He has persistently screwed over small businesses, patrons, staff, and financial partners who have had the misfortune of trusting him with their money or labor, often leveraging their money to make bankruptcy and unsustainable debts work for *him*.
Don’t forget about Trump’s recent felony convictions for falsifying business records in order to conceal a crime.
And don’t forget the time Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes. It was later forced to shutter its doors under court supervision.
Then there’s Trump University.
In 2013, A lawsuit was filed by New York’s AG, accusing Trump of defrauding thousands of people who attended Trump University.
Former students recount being pressured to provide high approval ratings for the courses they were taking, or have their graduation certificates withheld. Thousands of students sought course refunds and claimed that they never received any benefits from the courses.
There was also a class action lawsuit against Trump University, Trump’s counterclaims failed and he even tried to file a defamation suit against a student who made her experiences at the “university” public. Trump was later ordered to pay this student’s legal fees and costs. He was found to have defrauded students and was forced to pay $25 million in restitution.
Trump equates accountability with persecution because he’s spent his entire life exploiting his own wealth and privilege to evade being held responsible for his crimes.
On more than one occasion, Trump has eluded justice by power of executive privilege and through broad immunities granted to him by a DOJ and Supreme Court that he packed with kowtowing loyalists.
Don’t forget the indictments related to his negligent and nefarious mishandling of classified documents after misleading the National Archives and the DOJ for over a year.
Or the fact that he’s been accused of sexual abuse, harassment or rape by dozens of women, including one of his own ex wives.
Or how he has indicated that he will disregard the constitution to achieve his goals.
And of course, there’s his most recent indictments related to his efforts to conspire to overturn the last election. Including his attempts to defraud the country, disenfranchise millions of Americans, install loyalists into DOJ positions to help *him* steal the election, and his efforts to intimidate election officials into manipulating the vote for him. Not to mention the dozens of empty lawsuits filed by Trump’s team that were meant to disrupt the transfer of power.
For Donald Trump, life is a zero sum game and he is always the winner.
Which is why every investigation, indictment, impeachment or conviction is an act of injustice.
Yet, the MAGA crowd remains silent about this hypocrisy or they drum up whatever rationalization imaginable to defend this corruption. What’s worse, they then try desperately to make the criminals out to be the victims.
But God have mercy if Joe Biden, or any Democrat for that matter, is even rumored to have erred.
Republicans expect to be handed a hall pass. They demand immunities, empowered by the fact that so much of their misconduct has become practically legitimized as of late.
And more and more, Republicans are saying the quiet part out loud, that only *they* are entitled to the god given rights and freedoms afforded to them, that only *they* are entitled to privileges and immunities.
So of course Trump and his supporters cry often and loudly that Democrats are persecuting *them*, that Democrats are “weaponizing the justice system” against *them*.
But in reality, Republicans have been the ones targeting their opponents with needless, politically motivated investigations. It’s Republicans, and especially Trump, who continuously threaten vengeance against their political opponents.
Think about the general tenor of this last election. The bar for Trump and his MAGA allies remained and still remains shockingly low in comparison to the high standards that Americans expect of Democrats.
The media and the general public have played a hand in normalizing and sane-washing Trump’s criminal behavior and misconduct. His absurdity has magically rendered him benign. He’s made so many unconstitutional, unhinged remarks and anti-democratic threats, that many Americans stopped taking him seriously.
But Trump is not benign, he’s an idiot, yes, but a useful one. And his incompetence, his narcissism, his mental instability and his authoritarian impulses will go unchecked come next term. While his coalition of MAGA loyalists won’t hesitate to take advantage of him in order to push their far right agendas and consolidate power for the foreseeable future.
It’s important to note, he cant disbar a judge. For all the bluster around king Trump, his stupidest stuff can be stopped by judges.
Fox News NEVER published the evidence that was shown everywhere else. Which means 70 million voters don’t know it.
It feels like they let Trump do whatever he wants.But when he gets in trouble,he rants,then pout to his supporters.This is what I been getting for years.
I call for Donald Trump to be shipped to Guantanamo
Do people actually believe this crap in one breath he says Im not guilty of anything in the next he wants to jail Liz Cheney.
Who cares what he calls for. I call for Trump to be impeached for a third time.
Then don’t send him to prison. County jail will work just fine
I don’t get how and why Trump can talk shit about the judge but the judge does nothing. Mind boggling.
Get out the 🍿, next 4 years is going to be fun.
I call forDonOld trump to be barred.
I call for Donald J Trump senior to be removed as the president elect of the United States of America.
Expect Chief Justice Roberts to say nothing when Trump tries to intimidate a judge.
Trump hates people who work for a living, and do their job.
Didn’t someone rather recently say it should be illegal to criticize supreme court judges.
TFG. Some thing is either good or bad depending on how it affects him personally (or fits in with his current narrative)
Never on it’s intrinsic merits.
A jury of your peers convicted you.not Biden, not some fake ass deep state..why is the media afraid to point this out? You my ugly orange jack ass should shut your mouth If I was the judge election or not you’d be doing some jail time
Party of law and order
God can we just get one McMiracle that ends this goddamn morons truth social tirades..????
Threatening an active Judge because of a personal vendetta against him. I’m sure this doesn’t just quite meet the requirements of being called fascism when asked by the conservatives. They’ll move the goalposts infinitely.
Cannon has enter the chat
He was convicted by a jury, not a judge!
Trump needs to be locked up not returning to the White House. This country is a disgrace with him in office
Honestly this is kind of Merchan getting what he deserved. Despite Trump literally threatening his family, he still gave him so much leeway that would not be afforded to any other person.
He capitulated to a bully and surprise, the bully still is targeting him
Biggest crybaby in history!
The man isn’t even going to be punished in any meaningful way. He’s just pissy because Merchan stood up to him.
Stop spreading this driveling propaganda.
If he actually had a problem, he can file a bar complaint or appeal.
Otherwise, it’s all nonsense.
Absolutely no credibility whatsoever. US is a joke.
“I declare bankruptcy!”
All the orange guy does is whine. The orange man breaks the rules you pay the piper.
Quit reporting every stupid thing Trump says.
Awe boohoo. Convicted Felon doesn’t like his feelings being hurt.
Shut the fuck up Donnie.
Get fucked you idiot
Shut the fuck up clown
“Your honor, I object!”
“On what grounds?”
“Because it’s devastating to my case!”
The judge that was almost certainly going to give him a slap on the wrist is the judge he decides to go after before he’s sentenced? I hope Merchan now has the guts the throw the book at Trump.
Merchan do America a favor and throw Trump in jail for a night. Give him to a death row inmate for a night.
Trump is the one that ran for president while he was on trial. That’s his fucking fault.
The monster is in control and will try to destroy everyone who has opposed him.
Everyone who voted for him should be ashamed!
You all deserve him, but his targets and cognizant people don’t!
He did say “I love the uneducated”.
So I guess you are loved!
He forgot to mention that he loved money and wealthy people more than anyone!
Even when he is promised what is basically no punishment, he still cries and lies about it.
He’s not even going to be punished. He’s getting the sweetest deal of all time and still he’s a whiny bitch.
To all the non racist, non self hating Republicans that voted for him – you are just as stupid as the rest of them.
Honestly? As a full on anti-Trump person?
Disbar him. He allowed Trump to break the rules to an unprecedented threshold while conducting his trial without even so much as a slap on the wrist, he slow walked it by postponing every step of the way, leading up to the ultimate slap in the face to all of America by postponing a verdict until AFTER the election because he’s a fucking coward, and now he’s likely to get next to nothing of consequence as a sentencing simply because he’s the president.
Fuck Juan Merchan, TBQH. Failed his entire country when they needed him most. Absolutely spineless.
“there has never been a President who was so evilly and illegally treated as I.”
Lincoln and Kennedy would disagree
Stochastic terrorist.