Umfrage: Das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit in Selenskyj ist auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit Beginn der russischen Invasion
Die Demokraten in Virginia behalten knappe Parlamentsmehrheiten, nachdem sie Sonderwahlen gewonnen haben
2340859764059860598 on 04.01.2025 9:36 PM How insane is it we have multiple angle footage of this tragic encounter
Unhappy-Housing-9482 on 04.01.2025 10:31 PM So much rubble around. Wish he managed to get a hold of something.. also who drops the nade?
How insane is it we have multiple angle footage of this tragic encounter
So it looks like he did throw a grenade at the end. Insane footage
So much rubble around. Wish he managed to get a hold of something.. also who drops the nade?