Die US-Regierung sagt, dass Unternehmen keine Massendaten mehr an diese Länder senden dürfen | US-Daten für China, Iran, Nordkorea, Russland und andere Länder sind vom Tisch



    1. TheCalamity305 on

      Enforcement is where laws that do not profit corporations goes to die.

    2. BuzzBadpants on

      Just last year they were saying that bulk data collection is anonymous, harmless, and nothing to worry about. So which is it, US government?

    3. CDavis10717 on

      We need actual laws to enforce sensible practices since business have no moral compass and no motive except profit and “operating legally”. If leadership doesn’t pursue every legally available profit dollar they are replaced!

    4. NetworkDeestroyer on

      How about instead of saying “no you can’t do this” how about fucking legislation that protects us. You know? Things the EU has in place for its population.

      It’s absolutely infuriating this country knows exactly what it needs to do, but because a billionaires own politicians none of this shit will ever happen. Basic common sense doesn’t exist in American society.

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