Haben wir den Bevölkerungshöchststand erreicht?



  1. ss: The global populace is expected to plateau before the end of the century

    As the new year begins, we could be one step closer to peak population.

    Experts say lower birth rates and falling fertility levels – especially in “ultra-low” fertility countries like China, Italy and Spain – are to blame for the more imminent peak.

    There are some analysts who think the peak is coming much quicker. The population will eventually peak, but “one after another, the projections keep missing”, said John Burn-Murdoch in the Financial Times. Forecasts from the UN and others tend to underestimate how quickly birth rates are falling.

    “Use them with caution, and probably err on the low side.”

  2. VincentGrinn on

    we might have reached ‘peak population’ but only for the specific scenario we are in where everything is done in the least efficient way possible, nobody cares about actually building a planet that can sustain more people, and the entire planet is being cooked to death which disuades most people from having kids

    instead of actually fixing literally any of our problems, most of which have solutions readily available, people just want the population to decline because they think there are ‘too many’ people

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