50 Jahre Bevölkerungswachstum: Veränderung von 1970 bis 2020

Von AmericaGreatness1776


  1. Boring_Bumblebee6157 on

    I hope the US starts to decline soon even in the big cities. Too many people are here. I also hope that people begin to stay put to where they were born at least state wise so I don’t have to see angry posts and videos and real life interactions of people hating their fellow countrymen. Newsflash people from southern and western states! Californians are not all moving to your states and raising the prices. That is all due to inflation and more demand which from the map is more from northern states. But anyway hating on people for moving is actually insane and people need to get over themselves.

  2. Connect_Progress7862 on

    Everyone moving away from water hoping that it will come to them instead

  3. fastinserter on

    Minnesota should have two different colors according to the legend. Make one color 49.9 and another 50.0 or 50.0 and 50.1 or something but Minnesota is directly at 50.0% pop increase which is listed for two different colors on the chart.

  4. should understand that west even until like 1930s was empty, and proper expansion was overdue

  5. You guys can’t stop moving to Florida!! Sunshine is one hell of a sell!

  6. G0TouchGrass420 on

    Cali and new york lost electors and congressional seats last census and are on track to lose more in the next. I do wonder what the dems are going to do to address that issue.

  7. northpalmetto on

    Kind of surprised NM has grown this much. What is driving the increase?

  8. I personally take exception to the color scheme. My sensibilities tell me that it’s inverted. IMHO Population growth is not something to celebrate as the red-to-blue gradient would imply.

    The world population has *more than doubled* since 1970.

  9. BradJeffersonian on

    In before some dumbass comments on Utah and the Mormons having lots of kids

  10. Whenever I seeps like this. I just want to asl ppl not to move to jersey and please leave. It is too crowded. No room at the inn. Please move on…you may move to south jersey

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