80 % der Schweizer Soldaten sind in der Armee Opfer von Schikanen, Schikanen, sexueller und körperlicher Gewalt.


Von yesat


  1. Still surprised why so many young men still want to join the army honestly. I cant understand this. Yes, I know you have to go Zivilschutz or pay a lot when you dont go, but honestly 100% worth it imo vs. this clownery.

  2. WeaknessDistinct4618 on

    Well well, considering how bad public schools are addressing bullying, I am not surprised.

  3. heubergen1 on

    I mean, isn’t that the point of the service? I doubt military would work without power-hungry assholes that harass recruits every day. I went out as fast as I could because of it.

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