Wo Wangenküsse eine übliche Begrüßung sind

Von rayg10


  1. pissedfranco on

    It would be interesting to see where the greeting is one kiss and where is two kisses

  2. maritjuuuuu on

    I’m from the Netherlands.

    It’s barely done by younger people anymore. And thank god for that!
    Like seriously people, don’t just start kissing someone!

  3. _s1m0n_s3z on

    It’s common in Quebec, too. Not every country is a monoculture.

  4. Ok-Faithlessness6285 on

    In Poland, some older people still do this. However, I remember this just from my childhood nowadays it’s pretty rare. I can’t even imagine a younger person doing it today.

  5. Dismal-Age8086 on

    I am from Kazakhstan. Literally never have seen anyone kissing each other as a greeting, except maybe some weird couples.

    OP probably saw too much of Brezhnev’s kissing greetings which even at his time was considered weird as fuck

  6. Thelastfirecircle on

    This is incorrect, nobody is greeting other men on the cheek in Mexico.

  7. vladgrinch on

    Can confirm for Romania. A kiss for every cheek. Usually between relatives, close girl friends, on some occassions, etc. Both when coming in the house and when leaving.

  8. Infinity_Stone_ on

    As a russian, no, it’s not a thing here. And judging by the comments, this map is full of shit

  9. WorkingGreen1975 on

    This map can be upgraded: Countries where cheek kissing as a greeting is gender neutral and where it is not. Most of the Asian and African countries in this map will be in the 2nd category.

  10. ElMondiola on

    Where I’m from it’s 2 kisses. Between guys it’s a handshake but if it’s a close friend or family member it’s 1 kiss and a hug (not really a full hug, just a tap)

  11. i don’t know if this map is misleading. see, in Russia women are used to cheek kissing only if they are really close, like sisters/mother and daughter/best friends.

    when I started living in Spain, I had to cheek kiss almost every woman that I met, even if it’s my first time seeing them. and I’m a guy!

  12. I am an American. One time a visiting Brazilian lady kissed my neck in greeting. I have never been so knocked off balance as in that moment. Fortunately, my wife was amused.

  13. In middle east it is different and thier is to types of it. The first one and the most common one is cheek to cheek and the second one is nose to nose.

  14. I’m from Brazil. I lived in California/USA for 6 months and I was very surprised people don’t cheek kiss there as a greeting.

    I remember how freaked out a friend of mine was when I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek on his birthday. So funny.

  15. killer22250 on

    In slovakia we were cheek kissing when we visited our grandma so yes we do this here also

  16. Common greeting between family members and friends, not complete strangers especially if the opposite gender.

  17. martinepinho on

    Oh boy, I (a Mexican man) never had a more awkward moment than trying to greet a Japanese girl with a kiss on the cheek, 21 year old me learnt a lesson on cultural differences that day

  18. not_fallingforthis on

    It’s so unfortunate to live in a country where kissing as a greeting is so common when you hate it with a passion. I feel unwell even when someone slightly touches me, let alone this dumb kissing shit. Everyone here thinks I’m extremely cold and rude.

  19. This map is probably so wrong. Im from Sudan and we never kiss as a greet

  20. Gleeful-Corsair on

    What about lip kissing as a greeting / goodbye? My Hungarian grandma would always want to kiss on the lips when I was a little boy and I hated that shit so much. It was gross to me, my mom would also want to do that but I would throw a fit, I’m not really a fan of touch so this cultural touchy feely stuff always ticked me off, to this day even giving people a hug feels laborious and I know it’s supposed to be natural. 

  21. Henry-Gruby on

    Map is wrong, I live in Poland and they give three kisses on the cheeks regardless of gender or age.

  22. half the world agrees; it isn’t gay to give the homies a lil smooch

  23. Galactic_Survivor on

    Always find it strange that New Zealand is in the wrong place on these maps.

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