Gegoogelt seit 2004

Von Solid_Function839


  1. Primal_Pedro on

    I thought because of BRICS, Brazil would be more googled in Russia than Portugal 

  2. PinkSeaBird on

    Tbh I think most people in the US think we are Brazil. So they might have been trying to find us.

  3. LupusDeusMagnus on

    In English, in Portuguese, in local language? Because it does matter cause Portugal is Portugal in most languages, but Brazil does change depending on language.

    For example, in Canada, while Portugal has the relative majority of search terms, ever since 2016, Brazil has been very close, in fact so close that when you add “Brésil” for the Québécois and “Brasil” for the Portuguese-speaking immigrants, they surpass the number of “Portugal” searches. In fact, the average given by Google trends is Portugal “14”, Brazil “14”, Brasil “5” and Brésil “1”.

    Same occurs with Sweden, Portugal is “24”, Brazil is “12”, Brasil “5” and Brasilien “12”. Norway has 19 for Portugal, but 11 for Brazil and 17 for Brasil (Portuguese and Norwegian for Brazil).

    The pattern repeats for nearly every country I searched on Google trends, with the exception of some obvious ones (like Portugal itself). Some of the ones I checked where it’s true is Poland (Portugal and Portugalia combined results are lower than Brazil, Brasil and Brazylia).

    Romania is surprisingly tied, each country being around 15. In this method, at least.

    The results are also the similar (but not same) if you select Brazil (country) and Portugal (country) as per Google’s ML algorithm. A lot of the countries in red here turn green. Germany, Norway, Sweden, Indonesien, Ukraine, and quite many others.

  4. igotagockinmyrawrie on

    Portugal does quite well to remain so relevant despite being a very small country, it can’t all just be because of Ronaldo.

  5. Jo_Erick77 on

    People are googling Portugal in Indonesia only because of Ronaldo

  6. brazil and portugal are very different

    those in brazil are black south americans and those in portugal are latin

  7. Callmewhatever4286 on

    “Ronaldo” should be googled more often than both countries

  8. bobjohndaviddick on

    It still baffles me that Portugal speaks Brazilian instead of Spanish. I never can wrap my American brain around that.

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