Die USA genehmigen den Verkauf fortschrittlicher Luft-Luft-Raketen an Japan



  1. GatorReign on

    Maybe a little bit of a “make good” for the expected veto of the Nippon deal.

  2. The-first-laugh on

    SS: US has approved the AIM-120D-3 and AIM-120C-8 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles and related equipment to Japan for an estimated cost of $3.64 billion. This purchase by Japan is intended for China, and to address any current or near future threats and defend their homeland.

    This comes at a time when the Japanese government is struggling to reach its 2% defence spending target by 2027. A major reason being inflation and lack of enthusiasm from the Japanese public.


    However, it looks like the government is adamant on strengthening military ties with US; even setting up a joint command centre in Central Japan.


    However, it is to be noted that Japan is now running with a minority government and the junior partner is postponing the decision to raise income taxes.

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