Schwierigkeit beim Erlernen verschiedener europäischer Sprachen, eingestuft vom US-Außenministerium

Von SweatyPlastic66


  1. Glass_Confusion448 on

    Another example of how statistics can never be applied to an individual.

  2. saschaleib on

    Finnish and Hungarian in the same category as Icelandic? Those State Department employees are in for a surprise when they get transferred to Helsinki or Budapest!

  3. Complex_Horse2985 on

    Seems off because Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian are extremely hard to learn

  4. I have never seen the Celtic languages been properly categorised. Where would they land?

  5. Romanian is nowhere near as easy as people think it is. It only gets put on these lists due to being a latin language, but that’s extremely disingenuous.

  6. SaltyFlavors on

    I’m sorry has this changed? Also how is Portuguese rated lower than Spanish?

  7. Portuguese easier than Spanish and French yet I struggle to recall a single anglophone ambassador to Portugal who was fluent in the language, which is funny considering the source of this data.

  8. It’s surprising that German, which is a Germanic language like English, is more difficult to learn than Spanish or French, which are Romance languages.

  9. wtfuckfred on

    Portuguese being considered easier than Spanish is insane

    I’m Portuguese and Spanish is a lot easier. The pronunciation alone is extremely easy compared to the insanity of Portuguese vowels

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