Jill Biden erhielt 2023 unter anderem einen Diamanten im Wert von 20.000 US-Dollar vom indischen Premierminister



    1. telephonecompany on

      SS: Jill Biden received a $20,000 diamond from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2023, the most expensive of numerous gifts given to the Biden family by foreign leaders, as detailed in the State Department’s annual report published in *The Guardian*. Other notable presents included a $14,063 brooch from Ukraine’s ambassador and a $7,100 photo album from South Korea’s impeached president. While most high-value gifts were transferred to the National Archives, the diamond remains in the White House East Wing for official use. The report also highlighted the CIA’s destruction of lavish gifts worth $132,000, including an $11,000 Omega watch received by CIA Director William Burns.

    2. Hidden-Syndicate on

      How is this geopolitically related? This is pretty common to all presidents and sovereign representatives. Trump, Obama, Bush, etc all had gifts given and turned over to the archives.

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