Die Insel Großbritannien von Schottland aus gesehen, unter Verwendung der schottischen Sprache, einer südöstlichen Ausrichtung und einer Perspektive in einem Winkel von 35 Grad. [3509 x 4962] (Bildnachweis: procrastinating2much)

Von hominoid_in_NGC4594


  1. ArtichokeFar6601 on

    This map is so wrong and over exaggerates the size and position of Scotland.

  2. Chlorophilia on

    Whatever map projection this is, it’s grossly distorting the size and shape of Scotland. 

  3. cyclostome_monophyly on

    Largs is in the wrong place, even accounting for odd orientation, so I don’t know what else is also wrong

  4. Old-Bread3637 on

    Wish we had their extra 3-5 degrees (Celsius). Certainly makes a difference

  5. ConstantinopleFett on

    I love how fantastical any map becomes just by flipping it upside down (I know that’s not the only thing changed in this one though)

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