1. IntentionFalse8822 on

    No darling I wasn’t turned on looking at your sister in that dress it was…..it was….it was fumes from that damn factory again.

  2. johnfuckingtravolta on

    Sure jaysus ive never heard this story before ever ever.

  3. fabrice404 on

    I think I’ve heard this story the first time when I moved in Ireland 8 years ago.

  4. Nervous_Ad_2228 on

    What town? Is housing available directly down wind of the factory? I used to want a sea view but now…

  5. When water meters were installed in my village in Wexford the locals claimed they were giving off sexual thoughts.

  6. Onlineonlysocialist on

    Really wish this was one of those news articles where they go to Ringaskiddy and interview people about this. Maybe even show one of the lads being “affected” by the fumes, would be great comedy.

  7. Prestigious-Side-286 on

    This has been an old wives tale ever since they started manufacturing it there

  8. AlgaeDonut on

    I heard funerals for men in that town are difficult because they can’t close the caskets.

  9. bigdog94_10 on

    Walking around the place like Ronnie O’Sullivan about to pot the black for a 147 clearance.

  10. Really? Do they have hard evidence for this? Or is this another case of people erecting a tall tale?

  11. justformedellin on

    This Daily Atomic shite is slowly taking over Reddit. Seems to be like The Onion or WWN but deliberately trying to trick people into thinking it’s real.

  12. FlamingoRush on

    The men are not complaining just saying. It’s the woman who are getting tired 😂

  13. An Irishman called Doctor Zulu invented viagra according to his website…

  14. TwinIronBlood on

    This has to be a stroke by the local hotel to fill up for Valentines

  15. Yeah, like Pfizer wouldn’t bottle and sell those fumes, if it were true……

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