Für diejenigen, die Jack Churchill nicht kennen, ist er der Grund, warum wir sagen: „Im Gegensatz zur Realität muss Fiktion einen Sinn ergeben.“
Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs ist er der letzte Mensch in der Geschichte, der im Kampf einen anderen Mann mit einem Langbogen tötete, 42 bewaffnete Deutsche, die nur mit einem Breitschwert bewaffnet waren, gefangen nahm und es schaffte, aus zwei der damals höchstsicheren deutschen Gefängnisse zu fliehen, bevor er 120 km in Sicherheit ging. Außerdem spielte er Dudelsack, obwohl er kein Schotte war
Von Shekel_Hadash
He would have fought in many more “if it wasn’t for those damn yanks”
Some relevant Technical Difficulties about it. https://youtu.be/6TsEGt841pw
[A picture](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/hoibkj/john_malcolm_thorpe_fleming_churchill_nicknamed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of mad Jack with a sword
sounds like plain old propaganda. captured 42 armed germans with just a sword, gimme a break
How about Norway?
Him and the 3 Brazilian Heroes are the closest thing to real life protagonists with plot armour lmao
“He has been mythologised as having also used a [longbow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longbow), but according to an interview given by Churchill, the bow was destroyed when run over by a lorry before he could put it to use.”
He didn’t kill anyone with a longbow- as stated by Churchill himself it was destroyed before use.
What happened to Mozambique?
> Also he played the bagpipe despite not being Scottish
Wait until you discover the ancient Greeks, Romans, Hittites and many other cultures with bagpipes long before the Scots adopted it.
That square area in the pacific is where he fought a killer whale.
I salute your username 🫡
You also left out that he spent a time at the land warfare Centre in Canungra Queensland….. as part of the directing staff…
He fought in the Galapagos?
He didn’t actually fight in Germany I don’t think (him being held prisoner there), also he also didn’t fight in Southeast Asia because Japan had surrendered “because of those damn yanks” by the time he got to India