Rivalisierende Parteien streiten über die Streichung des Aufstandsvorwurfs aus dem Amtsenthebungsantrag des Präsidenten
Elon Musk mischt sich in die Grönland-Debatte ein: „Ich denke, sie wollen Teil der Vereinigten Staaten sein“ [BT]
haydendking on 02.01.2025 2:18 PM Data: [https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/#192AC790-6279-32C2-9483-94F716CC6D81](https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/#192AC790-6279-32C2-9483-94F716CC6D81) Tools: R – packages: ggplot2, dplyr, stringr, sf, usmap, ggfx
Think_fast_no_faster on 02.01.2025 2:29 PM I guess the University of Delaware being the Blue Hens makes more sense now
app4that on 02.01.2025 2:33 PM Where does the West Coast get their chicken from? Is it majority East Coast?
yeti_beard on 02.01.2025 2:35 PM There is such a distinct smell to parts of Delaware because of the chicken processing plants, closest I can think of is burnt peanut butter.
Data: [https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/#192AC790-6279-32C2-9483-94F716CC6D81](https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/#192AC790-6279-32C2-9483-94F716CC6D81)
Tools: R – packages: ggplot2, dplyr, stringr, sf, usmap, ggfx
I guess the University of Delaware being the Blue Hens makes more sense now
Look at all those chickens
Where does the West Coast get their chicken from? Is it majority East Coast?
So Delmarva is just chickens?
There is such a distinct smell to parts of Delaware because of the chicken processing plants, closest I can think of is burnt peanut butter.
Interesting cluster around Bentonville, AR – home of Walmart.
Can you make it number if countys by chicken?