Das (jährliche) Einkommen, das erforderlich ist, um in jedem US-Bundesstaat zu den 1 % zu gehören

Von Conamin


  1. Consistent-Leek4986 on

    Greenwich CT always national leader. shoreline property $$ east to Mystic huge gains lately.

  2. lousy-site-3456 on

    That’s just income. You’ll never join the 1% by wealth or the 1% that makes that much just from their wealth.

  3. solipsistrealist on

    It’s annoying how map statistics of the US always leaves out DC. The population is more than both Vermont and Wyoming.

  4. Imaginary_Cell_5706 on

    The difference are starking. When put in this way it really makes look like NM and California are different countries

  5. buddhistbulgyo on

    One percent of people in California make a $1 million a year.

    Hmm 🧐🤔

  6. brightlamppost on

    $75k is the median household income. Median income is about 35/40k

  7. I’m pretty sure we are the lowest, I don’t see any lower. Sounds about right

  8. perestroika12 on

    How was this calculated? Just w2 numbers? Because many wealthy people have investments and holdings worth a lot but their withdrawal income is much lower.

    Eg: I own 25m of Amazon stock. I borrow against that to spend 500k a year. I’m way beyond the 1% in every state but technically not in this map. I can also borrow against that investment basically tax free.

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