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If Aljazeera Arabic were operating in the West, they would have been jailed because of their support of terrorism and spread of propaganda inciting hatred, violence, misogyny and sedition. Their bureau chief in Spain was jailed for exactly that. I am not talking about Aljazeera English which is a sanitized version directed at the West. Aljazeera Arabic is like Fox News but 100 times worse. They called ISIS terrorists martyrs. That level of crazy.
So all these other countries kicked then out before Israel?
Al Jazeera support terrorism and spread their message it should be banned
Why were they kicked out so much?
Funny how israel claims to be the only democracy in the middle east then shuts down media outlets and jails protestors
Everything from Qatar should be banned everywhere.
If Iran and Saudi Arabia both ban you you’re doing something hing extraordinarily right
Al-Jazzera in Arabic is pure Qatari foreign influence peddling not sure what is surprising here, even if I think these bans are largely a bad thing.
All the red and pink look so similar when zoomed out that i through the map had the West Bank as part of Jordan.
*there is bin Laden seated on a mat, his submachine gun on his lap; there is bin Laden on horseback in Afghanistan, the brave knight of the Arab world. A huge, glamorous poster of bin Laden’s silhouette hangs in the background of the main studio set at Al Jazeera’s headquarters in Doha, the capital city of Qatar.*
This was 2001. Nobody should think they changed for the better since.
Hopefully, western countries will soon start kicking these Islamist bigots out. They don’t deserve a voice in the Western society.
Al Nusra front was an islamist militia which was similar to ISIS, it had established sharia and genocided many Yazidis and Druze
Al Jazeera whitewashed Al Nusra front as a moderate alternate to other islamist groups which in reality it just ISIS but without the beheading videos and that many fighters, it kept its war crimes hidden
These jihadists don’t deserve a voice in the West and Asia
And yet only *one* of countries received major international attention for doing so.
Guess which one?
Damn you must be a shitty news outlet if even the PA kicks you out of their country
There was also Turkish Al-Jazeera. It was closed too.
Would be easier to read if you simply wrote the date on each country or offset the date pointing to the country if the country is too small to write on, you absolute goon
I always thought that the middle east resembles a Swastika
Nobody likes a foreign funded news agency with a shitty islamist ideology
Except maybe their western listeners
this makes it easy to assume they do good news coverage.
Don’t want to be a dick, but this map with these colors and the legend is the worst way of presenting this data I could imagine, not a map porn:p
Duh…Al Jazeera is state sponsored Qatari propaganda. Why would anyone allow them in in the first place?
I bet all the people commenting that AJ is a ‘Muslim brotherhood’ mouthpiece don’t even speak or understand Arabic.