Laut der letzten Volkszählung hat jeder rot markierte Staat weniger Einwohner als Los Angeles County

Von AmericaGreatness1776


  1. Rogue-RedPanda on

    And yet the american elections proceed the way they do

    The concept of one person. One vote. One value is lost on this pseudo democracy 

  2. lovemysweetdoggy on

    Population of Los Angeles county is 9.663 million as of 2023.

  3. Joseph20102011 on

    The Los Angeles County, New York City and the Cook County (Chicago) deserves to be carved out of California, New York State, and Illinois respectively and become separate full-pledged states.

  4. The_Flagrant_Vagrant on

    People do not realize that California is not a monolithic bloc, and the EC guarantees all of CAs delegates to the winner of the CA vote (democrats). If you remove the EC, some of the delegates will go to the Republicans, and more Republicans will show up to vote because now their vote matters, rather than staying home because it is a safe democrat state

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