Karte von Russland mit einer Bevölkerungsdichte von mehr als 2 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer

Von masquerade555


  1. ImpressionEvening474 on

    Yeah that totally shouldn’t be a collection of numerous countries or anything. Russia 🙄

  2. cattitanic on

    What year is the data from? If it’s 2020, the Olonetsky District of the Republic of Karelia shouldn’t be marked as Karelian, since Russians became the majority there too.

  3. What areas are the Chinese looking to conquer in Internet Posts after a possible collapse of Russia?

  4. Flower_PoVVer on

    Um lots of colours representing ambiguous social constructs, therefore I think Russia should be disintegrated by force ☝🏻🤓

  5. NecessaryWishbone391 on

    Some WIKI info:

    Ethnic groups (2021; including Crimea)

    71.7% Russian
    3.2% Tatar
    1.1% Bashkir
    1.1% Chechen
    11.3% other
    11.6% not reported

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