Sprachkarte von Afrika

    Von LazerScorpion


    1. Call_Me_Rawah on

      Does the lingala language perfectly line up to the Two congos border ? Was it banned in CAR or am I missing something ?

    2. Dyeus-phter on

      “Sotho-Tswana”,”Zulu-Xhosa-Swazi-Ndebele” and “Tsonga-Tswa-Ronga” aren’t usually classified as languages in their own right. They are considered language families. Although the languages in these families are intelligible.

    3. Such-Committee-6208 on

      It would be interesting to see how it goes. Would Africa develop if it were not conquered by the Europeans and what countries would be formed?

    4. wikigreenwood82 on

      large portions of Africa have the same rules as a library ssssshhhh

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