Der Vater von Sophie Toscan du Plantier stirbt im Alter von 98 Jahren in Paris

Von PoppedCork


  1. MelodicMeasurement27 on

    Aah the poor man, sad that he didn’t get closure on his daughters murder. I hope he is at peace now 🙏

  2. thatirishguykev on

    I’m not a mad believer in God and all that jazz, but ya do hope for people like him who suffer the horrific loss of a loved one, that there’s some sort of afterlife that you find out what happened.

    Always think of people that go missing or are murdered, the poor families sometimes never really know what’s happened. Regardless of who ya think did or didn’t do it I hope he’s at peace now!!

  3. Resident_Fail6825 on

    I think Bailey did it, always have. Not a single shred of hard evidence has emerged in thirty years to identify any other suspect only possibles – possibly the German musician or possibly the Bantry Garda and others. Yes, the evidence against Bailey is all circumstantial, at present, but this cold case review could reveal irrefutable evidence of his guilt. In one sense, it’s a pity he’s dead and no longer liable to face justice. I think with the passing of the years there may have been a softening of attitude among the public toward Bailey with more inclined to show sympathy for him and believe in his innocence. He ended up a shambolic drunk and a complete outcast but let’s not forget what the Bailey of thirty years ago was like in character, personality and physique.

  4. Annual-Extreme1202 on

    Rip….the french court convicted yet man but could not have him extradited and he is dead too now.. this might be one murder case which some know what happened and never be solved officially…

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