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literally all highly developed countries have Fatter males than women… Is this because women get to work and not stay home with the kids?
The land of opportunity.
Americans perfectly balanced fatsos like all things should be.
Equality for all! USA… USA!
Mission accomplished!
this just gave me another reason never to move to Europe
South african here. Yeah, our ladies are on the heavier side of the scale, but ass is ass man, and we got some good ass down south.
This is really interesting. In the blue countries, women have more rights than in the red ones. I would have thought the data would be the other way around: that since in misogynistic countries, women get less food (fathers and sons get fed first) and also work more hours than men, so a lower BMI would make sense. In many of these countries, a majority of women and men do hard physical labor at work, but men get to rest when at home while women have to do hard physical labor at home too. Cooking and cleaning also takes a lot more physical effort when you don’t have a washing machine, dishwasher, electric stove, or running water. So I am puzzles by this data and it would be interesting to know the reasons why women in poorer and more sexist countries have higher BMI than men.
Obeseland truly achieved equality.
Poor Venezuela
I wonder if men are fatter in Europe because they tend to drink more and Europe is the most alcoholic continent in the world.
In Argentina the beauty standard for women is to be skinny af, so it make sense
So generally, developed countries, males have higher BMI while females have higher BMI in developing countries
In rich countries, being fat is associated with being poor and in poor countries associated with being better off. What does this mean in a context like this?
Look at Europe and Africa.
One person skewing the male BMI data for North Korea lol
Keep ur women all day inside they gonna get fat is simple
Is higher BMI in women related to higher birth rates? I am curious as to why it seems the developed world has fatter men and the undeveloped world has fatter women.
This accounts for BMI, which is basically just weight divided by height IIRC. This does not account for muscle mass and/or age. Better if you used a map data of BFP (Body fat percentage) instead.
I wonder what the figures would be like broken down into age groups.
In the UK, I would have guessed more women would be overweight. But perhaps that is only the case for young adults and then as they get older the men get heavier.
The US equality masks significant differences: in big cities men tend to be fatter than women and in rural areas women tend to be fatter than men.
Walking along the streets, going supermarkets provides a perspective on this issue.
USA USA number 1!
Latinas are thicc