Die Trudeau-Liberalen erreichen in Umfragen mit 16 Prozent ihr Allzeittief



  1. Makes sense.

    There is a lot of us who vote Liberal in competitive elections but would feel more comfortable voting for a smaller party when the election is not competitive.

    I was going to vote Liberal, but nowadays I feel comfortable voting for the Future Party

  2. InternationalBrick76 on

    Absolutely wild the party is willing to let this guy drive them out of party status. He will possibly be remembered as the worst PM in Canadian history.

  3. mayorolivia on

    He was delusional enough to believe low interest rates, more deficit spending, fighting Trump, etc could reverse his fortunes. The Freeland resignation was the final nail in the coffin. He will resign in the New Year.

  4. Canadian_mk11 on

    While Angus Reid has a bit of a Conservative lean (but only a point or two), these are 2011-like numbers for the Liberals.

  5. c’est quand-même choquant; le bloc risque de gagner encore plus de sièges à l’ouest du blvd. st-laurent

    en même temps ça s’annonce une défaite générationelle pour l’npd– qu’ils n’arrivent pas à formuler un message qui pogne chez les milléniaux et zoomers qui sont désormais exclus de la classe propriétaire c’est une faute déontologique incroyable

  6. vanderhaust on

    I don’t know the name of the song, but the limbo song could be the theme song for the Liberals.
    How low can you go?

  7. Spaghetti_Dealer2020 on

    As far as I know the latest Angus Reid poll is the only one so far to have them that low, however its not like the trends are in the Liberals favour anyhow and 16% is still generally within the margin of error for other pollsters like Abacus and Leger. With these numbers, they may just be down to Winnipeg North everywhere west of Ontario, Acadie-Bathurst in the Atlantics, and a small handful of seats in Toronto/Montreal/Ottawa-Gatineau.

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