Karte von über 200 Bombendrohungen während der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen 2024 (Link in den Kommentaren)

Von iamnotarug


  1. Dry_Action1734 on

    Interesting. I see “reasons” for most of these (swing states/districts, a candidate comes from there, DC, or got the wrong washington, etc). But why Oregon lol?

  2. onlylookingfouryitts on

    notice how most of them are in demoKKKratic states, and if it’s a republican state, then the demoKKKratic cities. demoKKKratic voters can’t think for themselves

  3. Apprehensive_Map64 on

    Nope no election interference at all nothing to see here, let’s just give the presidency to an obvious Russian asset. Don’t want to make the Maga cultists cry

  4. Cornelius005 on

    Are these all fake threats? I don’t remember hearing about any actual explosions going in the campaign. And realistically, if someone wanted to blow up something, why would they even announce it?

  5. randyscavage21 on

    Was there a specific threat to every county seat in Maryland? Weird to see so many in a state that had no chance to get flipped

  6. AmericanDadReference on

    Yeah, totally normal for there to be tons of bomb threats in the state everyone said was the most important for both parties to win. Totally…

    Why wasn’t this election suspended until all of this could be reigned the fuck in?

  7. GADandOCDaaaaaaa on

    Us over here in Maryland/Pennsylvania are doing fine.

    I mean, the monthly school gossip that brings the outcast and popular kids together is always what school in the state just got a bomb threat towards, but besides that we are doing fine

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