Am 31. Dezember 1999 wurde die britische Bevölkerung zu Ereignissen befragt, die ihrer Meinung nach bis zum Jahr 2100 wahrscheinlich eintreten würden. Dies waren die Ergebnisse.

    Von Jibran_01


    1. RevolutionaryBook01 on

      72% believing we’d become part of a federal Europe….


    2. Gobo_Cat_7585 on

      The last one becoming true out of all them is such a British thing to happen

    3. I like how so many people think that there could conceivably be nuclear war “somewhere in the world” like that’s a local event. 

      The more I look at this the more idiotic it is. 

      How is global nuclear war nearly twice as likely as England winning the Ashes, a 50/50 shot that England won multiple time in the previous 20 years?

      Why is Camila so low given it was already largely assumed she’d marry Charles by then and he was definitely going to become King at some point?

    4. LogicKennedy on

      Mind-blowing that the % of people believing in the reality of climate change has probably gone *down* even as the evidence has gone up.

    5. BlackSpinedPlinketto on

      Australia had won the ashes every time since 1989, we won in 2005.

    6. Heavy traffic (caused by the roads being clogged by too many people in cars) will deter most people from using their cars?

      We’re more likely to take holidays to space than beat a team in a sport that we invented and have no obvious predisposed disadvantage at?

      Who were these fools?

    7. We’ve still got another 75 years to go, any -or all – of these things could happen by then.

    8. Bunion-Bhaji on

      I wonder what percentage “Islam will become the dominant religion” would have scored?

    9. Jurassic_tsaoC on

      Was the habitual sniffing of paint thinner commonplace in the late 90s?

    10. EdmundTheInsulter on

      If most people are deterred from using cars then there wouldn’t be heavy traffic to deter most people

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