„Erschreckend lax“: Wie der aufstrebenden britischen Bank Starling die Flügel gestutzt wurden | Banken und Bausparkassen | Der Wächter


Von thingsliveundermybed


  1. It’s a shame, I’ve always had a good experience with starling as a normal customer, these are some serious red flags to be wary of though, I used their card when I was in the states and had zero fees or exchange rate shenanigans, it was a refreshing change from my regular bank.

  2. Jackster22 on

    Fuck them. They were so happy to give out tax payer backed loans to companies registered the same day with made up accounts yet did not want to talk to companies that were there for 2+ years with them.

  3. No-Tone-6853 on

    Used by many a scammer to move funds not surprised it’s had its wings clipped. All the online only banks are a red flag for customers to be sending large amounts of money to in job.

  4. Jesus Christ how are they still allowed to be operating?
    Clip their wings? Snap their “commercial” neck.

  5. >Starling – which had 1,245 staff at the time – credited the feat to its cutting-edge tech. , a feat that the bank – which had 1,245 staff at the time– chalked up to its cutting-edge tech.

    Some quality writing / editing right there..

  6. ZroFksGvn69 on

    Nothing in this story makes me disappointed that I have an account with them.

  7. Caveman-Dave722 on

    The article rehashes lots of old news to admit at the end it’s now updated process and compliance.

    We have have banks 100+ years old that have been fined for truly serious money laundering that get less attention than this.

    Seems a hit piece more than anything

  8. aussieflu999 on

    I have a Starling account and would hate to lose it. Their savings pots are an excellent feature, I use about 10 of them for basic expense saving eg birthdays, vets bills, next xmas etc.

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