Gesamtfruchtbarkeitsrate nach Bundesstaaten Indiens

    Von NeuroticKnight


    1. ResortJust5693 on

      What do the numbers represent? There is not a description of it.

    2. MAGA_Trudeau on

      Declining fertility rate won’t be really noticeable until the older millennials start aging and retiring 

      As of now, you will still see a very high % of the visible public in India being children/teenagers 

    3. Ponchorello7 on

      So the least developed states have the highest fertility rate. It’s not really surprising at all. Is there any country on Earth where this isn’t the case?

    4. Ok-Appearance-1652 on

      What’s the current rate and also please provide the current data

    5. Bakwaas_Yapper2 on

      The values would have declined further in the 5 years since then. 

      The next National Family and Health Survey was due by 2024 and the census has been due since 2021.

      The data is bound to change a lot in the next couple of years. No one even knows what is the exact population of India right now

    6. seasonal_biologist on

      Kinda crazy… culturally I think many thought Indian would never see small families or lots of single adults

    7. What’s odd here is that bihar has a pop density of 1100 per square km while meghalaya has 130.

    8. Filthiest_Tleilaxu on

      So confused. Why is everyone here posting about racist remarks against Indian people (even the very first comment on this post) when there are no anti-India racist remarks under this post?

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